New features in the development of contemporary China's convention and exhibition design

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  Under the background of information age, the connotation and forms of China's convention and exhibition design, great changes have taken place, presents many new characteristics, which tend to design
  Integrity, themed;The infiltration and blending of the new technology diversification.These new forms can let the audience enjoy a time variable space theme, the dynamic and static, true
  And looking for the people in the virtual space and emotional space dialogue of the language.
  A, design more integrity, the main topic
  To some extent, the contemporary exhibition design is like scene "drama" feast, exhibits the actor can be compared to the drama;
  Display of entity space drama stage background;
  Exhibits its artistic charm and characteristics of drama's role;
  China's convention and exhibition design must be unified under the overall concept, not only in the specific form of visual language expression to integrate, more important is how to make these form languages and display the connotation, the theme of the audience's emotions.
  1. The shape clues to strengthen the theme, "character" (exhibits or corporate image artistic appeal).
  Here said the "character" refers to items or image conveys values, represented by the way of life of deep sense of the artistic charm, this is one of the prominent features of exhibition space design.
  2. Pay attention to the interactive experience, the audience to participate in the theme of the exhibition space.
  Contemporary presentation of gameplay, participation, is one of the performance show dramatic characteristics.
  3. Effectively interprets the theme to promote enterprise's brand image.
  China's commercial exhibition design development a long way to go, must learn from the world's most advanced design concept, is good at digging traditional culture (or culture) at the same time, the exhibition theme, local characteristics, modern science and technology, the organic combination of contemporary social consciousness, to further improve enterprise brand image.
  4. The new media art development is conducive to the performance of the theme.
  Compared with traditional art media, it is a collection of virtual technology, digital imaging, photoelectric integrated comprehensive media application.
  "The new art forms further integration of art and technology, can make the audience in the visual, auditory, mental and physical all-round enjoyment and satisfaction."   These new media art in world expo first commercial exhibition and quickly spread to the world stage, it will greatly change the traditional display form, make the contemporary art exhibition reveals the charm of science and technology.
  5. Emotional appeal make the theme more appealing.
  Contemporary exhibition attaches great importance to people in a specific environment, the exhibits, the intuitive feeling and psychological needs of things.
  The inspiration of space to show emotion can inspire and lenovo, can greatly improve the theme of information transfer and appeal.
  Second, the infiltration and blending of the new technology diversification
  1. Under the infiltration and fusion characteristics of diverse form the integration of static and dynamic.
  The forefront of the new material, lighting control technology, high-end multimedia equipment widely used in exhibition design, display lights (light environment) design become one of the most important link in the design of exhibition, dynamic display provides technical support for exhibition design.
  Exhibition of photosynthetic efficiency design can learn from the stage lighting design.
  (2) the computer virtual reality technology, digital imaging technology, the application of laser holographic technology, let the audience can feel the scene in the unreal and real scene of switching and spatial restructuring.
  , using the human visual illusion effect more three-dimensional space to make the space image, in the exhibition space in the audience can extrapolate, as if across a tunnel of time and space.
  "With the development of network technology, the audience can also browse through the online exhibition hall and its information automatically generated at the instant of the audience the click of a mouse. Network popularization and development of online exhibition, much attention has been paid to the design of virtual exhibition also show will be the future development of a new direction.
  Three, endnotes
  The arrival of information age, is bound to make China's convention and exhibition design connotation and form of earth-shaking changes, presents many new characteristics: namely tend to be more integrity, themed design;
  Blend and penetration of new technology means let the audience in limited real space enjoyed a time variable space theme, in a static and dynamic, the combination of real and virtual space, to find the person space and emotional language dialogue.
  But no matter what kind of design form, show the information transfer is the only sign for a successful exhibition design, this message is to exhibit the characteristics and the integrated communication of emotion.
【摘要】:本文以西班牙唯一的玛格南图片社女摄影师克里斯蒂娜·加西亚·洛德罗的对现在以及传统节日宗教仪式摄影作品为出发点,从人类发自本能的希望去探索精神世界的满足,它代表了着人类对生命意义以及人性的深度思考。从多个角度去分析,越过日常的障碍去感受他人的想法,宗教信仰以及艺术成为人们高兴之余或者失望之后的寄托,以摄影作品为基础探讨人生的意义以及对世界的不同认知。  【关键词】:摄影;加西亚罗德罗;情感
【摘要】:展示设计创意的主题是营造空间意境,从设计的本质来看,功能性原则是设计师的创意设计,坚持以人为本的理念,做到最大限度的满足客户的需求。展示空间的主题是设计的灵魂,是象征意义的设计元素,是思想和感情的叙事空间。为了满足使用功能基础上的情感沟通,功能空间增加新的附加值。因此,展示创意的主题文化内涵,体现了展示空间设计价值的重要特征。  【关键词】:序厅陈列;创意设计;主题创意;革命纪念馆  主
【摘要】:中国原始文化之一的民间艺术,历史悠久,技艺精湛,种类繁多,古时的民间艺人为了满足自己的生活需要和审美的情趣而创造出来的具有当地特色的艺术,它融入了中国人民的智慧以及民间艺人所特有的民族气质和风俗习惯。随着油画在中国的传播与发展,逐渐融入了许多中国的民间艺术元素,形成了别具特色的油画艺术形式。本文就我国的民间艺术与油画艺术相融合,以及民间艺术带给中国油画的影响进行探讨。  【关键词】:油画
【摘要】:随着传统文化的广泛深入,现代景观设计中“民族”元素的应用已经成为一种新的发展趋势。传统文化元素蕴含着丰富的艺术魅力,能够使文化的传播更加高效快捷。本文针对传统文化元素在现代景观设计中的特点、问题及应用策略进行探究,以供参考。  【关键词】:传统文化元素;现代景观设计;创新发展  随着传统文化的广泛深入,现代景观设计中“民族”元素的应用已经成为一种新的发展趋势。中华传统文化是人类千百年来的
世界不断的变化,技术不断更新,人们的需求也在变化。人们对居住环境要求也在提高。室内空间是人们多数时间所呆的空间,室内空间决定人们生活的质量.室内设计就显的十分重要。室内设计,是一种以居住在该空间的人为对所从事的设计专业,需要工程技术上的知识,也需要艺术上的理论和技能。室内设计是从建筑设计中的装饰部分演变出来的。他是对建筑内部环境的再创造。室内设计可以分为公共建筑空间和居家两大  现代室内设计作为一
【摘要】:音乐教育在我国课改中越来越体现出了它的重要性,对于中学生心智迅速发展、情绪波动比较大的心理特点,音乐教育确实有其他学科不可替代的娱乐性、教育性与特殊性、音乐教育之所以特别,主要凸显在他的特殊性,它可以在潜移默化中培养学生的创新能力、审美能力并健全身心,让学生在轻松娱乐的过程中,不知不觉地将音乐中体会到的美的感觉净化自己的心灵。  【关键词】:审美培养;审美想象力;创新能力  众所周知,音
1.博物馆新的理论以及展示形式在新技术下的发展  在现代文化中,博物馆包含着许多互相对立的意义,美国博物馆研究学者Jane Marstin说:“人们把博物馆看作一个最持久、最传统的神圣空间”博物馆目前是市场中的主导产业,现在的博物馆理论认识到参观者的主动性,不再是被动参观,以往的传统博物馆只会像填鸭一样的把知识灌输给观众,现在鼓励不同的观众相互对话。近年来计算机软硬件技术的发展,三维动画技术与多媒
【摘要】:“花鸟”一词给予人一种安宁祥和之气,而中国花鸟画更是给人一种赏心悦目的感觉,这主要源于人性对美的追求及对美好事物的向往。在远古时代我们的祖先就将花鸟这一绘画题材深埋于心怀镌刻于我们世世代代人的心中。大自然的花鸟形象经过他们辛勤的艺术处理注入了丰沛的感情充分表达了人性的光芒给后人留下的不仅仅是一幅幅熠熠生辉的作品更多的是给予我们每个人对花鸟这一绘画题材更为深刻的启迪与感悟。  【关键词】:
【Abstract】:Translation serves for the purpose of communication between different languages. Over the years, different theories have been used by translators and interpreters to make sure the communica