
来源 :四川农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:queenie88
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由内江市农技站、安岳县农技站共同选育的高产优质绿豆新品种“安岳油绿豆”,已于1992年3月经四川省农作物品种审定委员会通过认定。该品种经1984—1989年18个点次试验,平均亩产59.9公斤,比对照品种亩平净增19.3公斤,增产47.5%。1991年全市种植面积达7万余亩,是一个早熟、高产、优质,适宜于旱地多熟制种植的绿豆新品种。该品种株高70厘米左右,叶片宽大,呈三出复叶,无裂缺,分枝5—7个。花瓣淡黄色,豆荚成熟时为黄色。单株结荚16—21个,单荚实粒数8—10粒,裂荚性弱。籽粒圆柱形,饱满度好,油绿色,有光泽,千粒重60克。全生育期80天左右,成熟 By the Neijiang Agricultural Technology Station, Anyue County Agricultural Technology Station jointly breeding high-yielding quality mung bean new variety “Anyue oil mung bean”, in March 1992 by the Sichuan Crop Variety Approval Committee identified. The variety tested 18 points from 1984 to 1989, with an average yield of 59.9 kg, a net increase of 19.3 kg and a yield increase of 47.5% over the control variety. In 1991 the city planted an area of ​​more than 7 acres, is a precocious, high yield, high quality, suitable for dry land multi-cooked new mung bean varieties. The variety of plant height of 70 cm, leaves wide, was three out of the compound leaves, no cleft, branches 5-7 months. Petals light yellow, yellow pods mature. 16-21 pods per plant, the number of single pods 8-10 grain, pod weak. Grain cylindrical, plump, oil green, shiny, grain weight 60 grams. The whole growth period of about 80 days, mature
  For positive integers k and r, a (k, r)-coloring of a graph G is a proper k-coloring of the vertices such that every vertex of degree d is adjacent to verti
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  In the present paper, it will be constructed the covering map with the index r from νn(X) to νn(Y) based on the covering map with the index r from X to Y
  In this talk, we present some results on the contractible subgraph of 5-connected graphs.A subgraph graph of k-connected graph is said to be a k-contractibl