现代生活的压力,像空气一样无时无刻不在挤压着我们。有人可能会因为怀才不遇,有人是因为与同事关系不和,也有人是因为工作有张无弛,心里总是背负着沉重的压力。此外,竞争、住房、效益、社交、子女教育、老人赡养等等问题都有可能形成压力损害我们的健康。那么,怎样才能舒缓压力呢?据研究,下列20种心理调节措施是行之有效的减压方法。 一、健康的开怀大笑是消除压力的最好方法,也是一种愉快的发泄方法。
The pressure of modern life, like the air all the time squeezing us. Someone may fail because of being pregnant, some because of the disagreement with colleagues, others because of unwarranted work and heavy stress in their hearts. In addition, issues such as competition, housing, efficiency, socialization, children’s education, old age support and so on are likely to create pressure to undermine our health. So, how to relieve stress? According to the study, the following 20 kinds of psychological adjustment measures is an effective decompression method. First, a healthy laughter is the best way to eliminate stress, but also a pleasant way to vent.