畅游山海仙境 领略魅力烟台(系列报道一)——郝凤利:烟台旅游和谐观

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2004年可谓烟台旅游的丰收年。这一年,烟台市接待海内外游客1192.39万人次,同比增长27.8%,旅游总收入首次超过90亿元,同比增长29.9%。这一年,中国北方旅游交易会在烟台成功举办。这是北方会有史以来第一次在地级城市举办,是烟台市乃至全省历史上规模最大的一次旅游交易会。会议室内外展台数量达1000个,参会参展人员5万多人,范围涉及全国30个省市自治区和21个国家和地区,是北方旅游交易会有史以来展台最多、人数最多、范围最广的一次盛会。这一年,一个让全国许多旅游 2004 can be described as Yantai tourism harvest year. This year, Yantai hosted 11,923,900 overseas tourists, an increase of 27.8% over the same period of last year. The total tourism revenue exceeded 9 billion yuan for the first time, an increase of 29.9% over the same period of last year. This year, China North Tourism Fair was successfully held in Yantai. This is the first time ever that the North will hold a place in a prefecture-level city and is the largest tourism fair in Yantai and even the province’s history. There are 1000 exhibition booths inside and outside the conference room and more than 50,000 participants, covering 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and 21 countries and regions nationwide. It is the largest, largest and the most extensive exhibition booth ever held by the Northern Tourism Fair A grand occasion This year, a lot to travel across the country
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