PISA是英文Program for International StudentAssessment的简称,意为学生能力国际评估计划,是OECD(经济合作与发展组织)策划的一项国际性学生学习质量比较研究项目。PISA的主要目的是通过纸笔测验的形式,了解15岁左右的在校学生的阅读能力、数学能力及科学能力,借此进一步了解
PISA English for the Program for International StudentAssessment Abbreviation, meaning international assessment of student performance plan is OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) planning an international student learning quality comparative research project. The primary purpose of PISA is to understand the reading, math and science skills of school-aged students around the age of 15 in the form of a pencil test to further understand