【摘 要】
Persimmon and more sporadic distribution, a large area of artificial planted less, mostly due to planting survival rate is too low. In order to improve the survival rate of afforestation, Jia Rongfa of Shanxi Wanrong County Forestry Bureau analyzed the biological characteristics of persimmon trees through field investigation and put forward ways to improve the survival rate of afforestation. The main factors that affect the survival of the plantation are: late germination, slow rooting, slow seedling after transplanting, due to the root of the wound after the tannin cells caused oxidation, the formation of impermeable barrier,
This study explores the antimicrobial and enzymatic activities of endophytic fungi isolated from Andrographis paniculata (Hempedu Bumi).This plant is rich w
Fungal endophytes live within the tissues of their host plants without causing any noticeable disease symptoms.A total of 25 endophytic Fusarium isolates we
发展总趋势 从世界上第一个广播电台诞生至今,声音广播已走过了80年的光辉历程。在这80年中,从简单的调幅广播不断发展,又先后出现了调频广播、立体声广播(FM立体声和AM立体
Temperate ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities tend to be diverse and dominated by rare taxa.There are however, several geographical areas remain unsamp
摘要:培养学生的创新精神是素质教育的重要内容,是培养新世纪人才的重要措施。江泽民同志指出“:創新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。”小学语文教学论文作为人才培养的基础阶段,影响着我们教育的终极目标和人才构成。以学生为主体,培养创新能力,促进学生主动发展已成为当前课堂教学的主导思想。下面谈谈我如何在小学语文课堂教学中培养学生的创新能力。 关键词:小学语文;教学;创新能力;培养 小学
Chromium is one of the toxic heavy metals which exist in nature as stable hexavalent and trivalent forms.The hexavalent form of chromium is more toxic than
To build an energy and material secure future, the next generation of renewable fuels produced from lignocellulosic biomass is required.Ethanol production f
Microbial diversity is generally far higher than plant diversity, but the relationship between microbial diversity and plant diversity remains enigmatic.To