
来源 :宁夏农学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacklee12345678
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本试验用宁夏引黄灌区主要县(场)采集和分离的64个稻瘟病菌单孢分离物,分别对参试的代表品种(包括生产上种植和推广的品种6个,当地抗瘟育种的主要抗源品种6个和参加区域试验的品系6个)接种。根据各水稻品种(系)和稻瘟病菌菌株的相互作用,观察品种对一系列菌株的反应或一系列菌株对品种的毒力,用毒力频率表示。试验结果表明:毒力频率数值与品种的抗病性呈反比。宁夏目前大面积种植的品种——京引39号的毒力频率为100%,宁粳3号为85.94%,宁粳4号为76.56%。这些品种高度感病,是近几年宁夏稻瘟病流行的主要原因。抗源中的福锦、峰先、陆奥锦等三个品种,对64个菌株表现毒力频率都低。说明这些品种对宁夏多数菌株有广谱抗性,是宁夏抗瘟育种的良好材料。在参加区域试验的6个品系中,一系列菌株对78—1190、80D—140、80—D—3的毒力频率也低,抗谱较厂,应结合农艺性状和田间抗性表现,进一步鉴定选择。 In this experiment, 64 M. grisea isolates collected and isolated from major counties (fields) in Yellow River Irrigation Area in Ningxia were used to analyze the genetic diversity of representative cultivars (including 6 cultivated and popularized cultivars, 6 major resistant varieties and 6 strains participating in regional trials) were inoculated. According to the interaction of each rice variety (strain) and Magnaporthe grisea strains, the response of the variety to a series of strains or the virulence of a series of strains to the variety was observed, indicated by the frequency of virulence. The results showed that the frequency of virulence was inversely proportional to the disease resistance of the cultivars. Ningxia current large-scale cultivation of varieties - Jing cited No. 39 virulence frequency of 100%, Ningjing 3 85.94%, Ningjing 4 76.56%. These species are highly susceptible and are the main reason for the epidemic of rice blast in Ningxia in recent years. The resistance of the Fujin, Feng Xian, Lu Austria Kam and other three varieties, the performance of 64 strains of virulence are low frequency. These strains showed that these strains have broad-spectrum resistance to most strains of Ningxia and are good materials for blast-breeding in Ningxia. Among the 6 strains that participated in the regional experiment, the virulence frequency of a series of strains against 78-1190, 80D-140 and 80-D-3 was also low, and the anti-spectrum was better than that of the plants. The agronomic traits and field resistance performance should be further improved Identification selection.
1983年3月到4月,笔者随我国印度小麦技术考察团,到印度几个主要麦区进行了有关小麦技术几个方面的考察。在考察中发 March 1983 to April, the author with my country Ind
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目的 了解恶性疟原虫海南株 (FCC1/HN)乳酸脱氢酶基因全编码区核苷酸序列变异情况。方法 PCR扩增恶性疟原虫海南株 (FCC1/HN)LDH基因全编码区 ,产物经EcoRⅠ +SalⅠ酶切后
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【摘要】英语虚拟式很久以来就是一个饱受争议的话题,引发了语法学家们激烈的讨论并给学习者带来了一定的困扰。为了帮助学习者了解和掌握英语虚拟式的用法,为老师们提供新的教学方法探索,本文通过历时的研究方法就虚拟式的研究现状和发展前景进行了简要的概括总结,并着重探讨了英语虚拟式的分类。虚拟式表达的是假设意义,其分类方法多种多样。英语虚拟式自古英语以来就一直有衰退的迹象,大有被直陈式取代的趋势。  【关键词
预展:二〇一四年八月二十二至二十三日拍卖:二〇一四年八月二十四日地点:北京亚洲大酒店(工体北路新中西街八号)北京荣宝拍卖有限公司BEIJING RONGBAO AUCTION CO.,LTD地址:
据大竹昭郎等报道,从1977—1981年先后三次来中国考察栗瘿蜂天敌情况,1979年Y.Murakami博士在河北省采回栗瘿蜂(Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu)虫瘿2200个,1981年志贺正
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