时代的脚步踏进了21世纪,置身其中的每一位中国公民,当你沐浴着改革的成果带给我们的恩泽时,可曾想到他的源泉:税收。 在现代社会,税收在国民经济生活中占有很重要的地位,税收与我们每个人的生活也是息息相关:国防安全、社会
The footsteps of the times have embarked on the 21st century. Every Chinese citizen who lives there has thought of his source of taxation when you bathe the blessings that the fruits of the reforms have brought to us. In modern society, tax revenue plays a very important role in the national economy. Taxation is also closely linked to the lives of each of us. National defense, social security