Desulfovibrio vulgaris,a potent acetic acid-producing bacterium,increased by Astragalus polysacchari
OBJECTIVE Although the underlying mechanism is largely unknown,gut dysbiosis has emerged as a central initiator of obesi......
Application and Prospect of Cold Hoop Confining Method in Psoriasis from Dermatopathology in Integra
In the pathological changes of psoriasis vulgaris,excessive proliferation of keratinocytes,proliferation of microvessels......
[Objectives]To analyze the genetic similarity among varieties of Armeniaca vulgaris Shushanggan in Ili.[Methods]The gene......
Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Pathogens of Proteus vulgaris and Chryseobacterium meningo
Isolation and Identification of Bacterial Pathogens of Proteus vulgaris and Chryseobacterium meningosepticum from Peodis......
The Characterization of Steam Distillation as an Extraction Method to Extract Volatile Compounds fro
<em>Prunella vulgaris</em> (PV) is a perennial plant which is widely grown around the world. It has been widely used as ......
Orally administered extract from Prunella vulgaris attenuates spontaneous colitis in mdr1a~(-/-) mic
AIM: To investigate the ability of a Prunella vulgaris(P. vulgaris) ethanolic extract to attenuate spontaneous typhlocol......
Genetic Stability of Resistance of Bean (Phasedus vulgaris L.) to Glyphosate To Bo; Qin Zhiwei (Northeast Agricultu......
小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)是绿藻门(Chlorophyta)之一种,系真核微生物,有多种功能和用途。其中之一将其研制成保健食品或叫功能......
Dapsone syndrome is characterized by high fever, skinrash, methemoglobinemia, liver toxicity, andgeneralized lymphadeno......
沙地柏(Sabina vulgaris)是常绿针叶灌木,寿命长,匍匐生长,株高30—40厘米,抗寒耐旱,自然分布在我国新疆、青海、甘肃、宁夏、内......
叉子圆柏(Sabina vulgaris),又名臭柏,新疆圆柏、沙地柏等。柏科常绿匍匐灌木。体型优美,枝条柔软,耐寒,耐旱,是北方园林绿化、制......
Elenco delle principali specie vegetali rinvenute nel popolamento,loro inquadramento secondo RAUNKIAER(ZANgheri p.,1976......
CONTRIBUTO ALLA CONOSCENZA DELLA FLORA BRESCIANA Ⅰ.Flora vascolare della valle del fiume Oglio nell&
INTRODUZIONEIl presente catalogo riguarda principalmente il tratto planiziale allasinistra del fiume Oglio.Tale tratto ......
Il presente articolo elenca le segnalazioni di specie ornitiche più interessanti della provin-cia di Brescia, relative......
Morphological and Chemical Variation of Prunella vulgaris Populations from Different Locations in Ch
Objective To investigate the variation of chemical characteristics with environmental factors and establish a relationsh......
OBJECTIVE:To investigate potential differences in circulating levels ofT regulatory (Treg)/T helper 17 (Th17) cells,rela......
Objective: To focus on the analysis of chemical constituents of the Thymus vulgaris L.(locally known as “Zaitra” or “......
小球藻属小球藻科(Chlorellaccae)球形草细胞的绿藻,我国常见的有淀粉核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick)和普通小球藻(Chlor......
本文著者等由日本岐阜谷汲产的花期(六月中旬)夏枯草(Prunella vulgaris Linn.Uar.lilacina Nakai)中,得到0.56%的Ursolic acid.......
含有鸭嘴花碱(vasicine)的植物是民间传统药,鸭嘴花碱的药理活性除了对呼吸系统的作用外,还有催产和堕胎等作用。 TLC是山羊豆属(......
从小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)培养基中分离纯化到一种具有抗肿瘤活性的成分(ARS2),根据Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionlz......
〔英〕/Nishida M…∥Chem Pharm Bull.-2003,51(8).-956~959 普通耧斗菜(Aquilegia vulgaris)是一种庭园栽培植物,曾从中分离出6个......
作为抗甜菜根线虫(Heterodera schachtii)基因渗入来源的产生本试验是添加染色体,从野生甜菜Patellares组的种Beta(B.procumbens,......
绪言在农作物的组织培养中,用菸草(Nic—otiana tabacum)来培养单倍体以及用原生质融合和植株再生的体细胞杂交来培养单倍体已引......
用含有不同生长调节物质(BAP 和 NAA—0.08至8.0毫克/升)的培养基,证实了 BAP 是引起从品种“9m-2n 1973”原始茎端分离获得再次培......
菜豆(Phaseolus vulgaris)是人们喜爱的一种豆科蔬菜。菜豆病毒病发生相当普遍,是影响产量的重要因素。已报道的侵染菜豆的病毒种......
该药物是从野艾Artemisia vulgaris中得到的液体与冰醋酸的混合物,其比例为6:4。在阳光下晒野艾,然后水中煮可得所需液体。该液体......
四季豆(Phaseoli vulgaris)在广西不仅作为重要蔬菜,而且还大量加工成罐头出口,年种植面积达2万多亩。但近年来,枯萎病严重发生,......
800 cases of psoriasis vulgaris were treatedby Fruetus Psoraleae injections,of which 93%showed satisfactory results.The......
Thirty nine cases of general vulgaris psori-asis were treated by hyperthermia, 15 cases were
Thirty nine cases of gene......
Objective:To screen the antimicrobial potential of three ethnomedicinal plants Chassalia curviflora Thw.(C.curviflora),C......
Objective: To study the effect of the extract of Prunella vulgaris L. on multiple drugs resistant bacillus tuberculosis ......
Psoriasis is a common disease with a prevalence of up to 2% in the world population.~1 The pathophysiological mechanism ......
Objective:To achieve a primary pharmacological screening contained in the aqueous extract of Berberis vulgaris(B.vulgari......
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of different organic crude extracts from the local med
Objective:To isolate and analyze the chemical composition in different crude extracts of from the leaves of locally grow......
AIM:To evaluate the antifertility activity of Artemisia vulgaris leaves on female Wistar rats.METHOD:The plant extract w......
[Objective]To discuss the in vitro bacteriostasis of the extracts from the seeds and leaves of Gingko biloba L. [Methods......
To identify sociodemographic characteristics and risk factor of Demodex infestation,756 students aged 13-22 years in Xi......
I have read with great interest the recent article “A meta-analysis of association between acne vul- garis and Demodex ......