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山东省属于单一疟疾流行区,间日疟流行于全省各地。在上世纪60年代和70年代初期发生两次疟疾暴发流行。1988年通过原卫生部考核率先在全国范围内达到了基本消灭疟疾的标准。1989年以来,疟疾疫情有所波动,但均不超过1/10万。2010年山东省启动消除疟疾工作,原省卫生厅下发消除疟疾工作实施方案,提出到2018年全省达到消除疟疾的目标。连续两年下发消除疟疾考核评估方案,目前已顺利完成82个县和2个市的消除疟疾考核评估工作。自启动消除疟疾工作以来,山东省认真实施中央补助地方公共卫生专项疟疾项目,圆满完成项目规定的各项任务。另外,省财政每年列出专项经费用于疟防工作。2010—2015年山东省疟疾防治经费累计投入5 092.49万元,从经费上保证了消除疟疾工作顺利实施。为满足消除疟疾工作需要,该省通过分级培训的方式开展了各种技术培训,累计培训各级镜检员15 494人次,临床医生56 382人次,疟疾防治人员34 624人次。全省基本建成较为完善的省、市、县、乡四级疟疾镜检网络系统,每年均按照指标要求开展血检工作,2010—2015年共血检发热病人1 774 321人,检出疟疾病人747例,检出率为0.42‰。严格按照“1-3-7”工作管理要求开展病例的管理和疫点调查处置工作,2010—2015年山东省共报告疟疾病例819例,开展疫点处置819个,有效避免了疫情扩散及二代病例的发生。为动员全社会共同关注和支持消除疟疾工作,广泛宣传疟疾危害和防治知识,全省各级疾控机构结合“4.26”全国疟疾宣传日,每年均开展大规模的宣传活动,2010—2015年山东省累计发放健教材料7 040 504份。山东省已连续三年无本地感染病例,但逐年增加的境外输入性疟疾病例为消除疟疾工作带来新的挑战。针对当前疟疾形势,山东省在继续做好消除疟疾工作的同时必须加强对输入性疟疾的监测和管理,确保全省如期实现消除疟疾目标。 Shandong Province belongs to a single malaria epidemic area, vivax malaria epidemic throughout the province. Two malaria outbreaks occurred in the 1960s and early 1970s. In 1988, it passed the examination of the former Ministry of Health and took the lead in nationwide to basically meet the standard of eliminating malaria. Since 1989, the outbreak of malaria has fluctuated, but no more than 1/10 million. In 2010, Shandong Province started to eliminate malaria and the provincial Health Department issued a plan to eliminate malaria and proposed that the province should achieve the goal of eliminating malaria by 2018. The program for evaluating malaria elimination and assessment was issued for two consecutive years. At present, the assessment of malaria elimination in 82 counties and 2 cities has been successfully completed. Since the start of malaria elimination work, Shandong Province has earnestly implemented the central subsidy special malaria project for local public health and successfully completed the tasks stipulated in the project. In addition, the provincial finance lists special funds each year for malaria prevention work. From 2010 to 2015, malaria prevention and control funds in Shandong Province invested 59.0496 million yuan in total, which ensured the smooth implementation of malaria elimination work from the funding. In order to meet the needs of malaria elimination work, the province conducted various technical trainings through graded training, training a total of 15,494 medical inspectors at all levels, 56,382 clinical doctors and 34,624 malaria prevention and control personnel. The province has basically completed a more complete provincial, municipal, county and township level 4 malaria microscopy network system, each year in accordance with the requirements of indicators to carry out blood tests, 2010-2015 total of 1774321 total blood test febrile patients detected malaria patients 747 cases, the detection rate was 0.42 ‰. In strict accordance with “1-3-7 ” work management requirements to carry out case management and epidemic investigation and disposal of work, from 2010 to 2015, Shandong Province reported a total of 819 cases of malaria cases, to carry out the epidemic treatment of 819, to effectively prevent the spread of the epidemic And the second generation of cases. In order to mobilize the whole society to pay attention to and support the work of eliminating malaria and widely publicize the knowledge on malaria hazards and prevention and treatment, the CDC at all levels in the province conducted a large-scale publicity campaign every year on the national “4.26” National Malaria Publicity Day. In Shandong Province, a total of 7,040,504 copies of health education materials were issued. There have been no cases of local infection in Shandong Province for three consecutive years, but the increasing number of imported malaria cases abroad has posed new challenges for eliminating malaria. In response to the current malaria situation, while continuing to do a good job in eliminating malaria, Shandong Province must step up the monitoring and management of imported malaria and ensure that the province achieves the goal of eliminating malaria on schedule.
<正> 化学治疗是白血病患者获得缓解和长期存活的最主要的方法,在目前常用的二十余种抗白血病化疗药物中,白血病细胞几乎对每种药物都有不同程度的耐受性,而且这种耐受性表现
<正>§○ 引言 语言学上先后提出了许多关于语言结构的概念,诸如音位(phoneme)、词类(Word class)和层次(hierarchy)等。人们不禁要问:语言中果真存在这些东西吗?当然,这种