秦山核电厂位于浙江省海盐县城附近,滨临杭州湾,是我国第一座自己设计建造的压水堆式核电工程,第一期工程装机30万 kW。为确保电厂运行安全,上海核工程研究设计院于1988年下半年起委托河海大学结构中心在大型模拟地震振动台上对该厂所使用的阀门、电气屏柜通风设备、堆内构件及热交换器等5大类29台件主要设备及模型进行抗震试验研究。到1989年底,已完成20台件的抗震试验。
Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant is located in Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province near the city, near Hangzhou Bay, is China’s first self-designed pressurized water reactor nuclear power project, the first phase installed capacity of 300,000 kW. In order to ensure the safety of power plants, Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute commissioned the Structural Center of Hohai University in the second half of 1988 to commission the valves, electrical screen ventilation, reactor components and heat Switches and other major categories of five major 29 sets of equipment and models for seismic test. By the end of 1989, 20 sets of seismic tests have been completed.