The Analysis of Jo in Little Women

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  The novel Little Women was wrote by a American writer Louisa May Alcott in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The story happened in a small town of New England in the American Civil War, told about the growth experiences of the four sisters in March’s family. They encountered a lot of difficulties and undesirable situations in the growth in their lives, they were still optimistic, and brave to strive for liberty and purse independence and their own dreams. And Jo is the most impressive tomboy of the four sisters.
  2.The Characters of Jo
  Jo is the heroine in this story, and become a classical image between a  economically independent woman and a housewife. She was scared from the restriction of the society, and tried her best to achieve to the dream of being a feminine writer. She yearned for freedom, and had a stormy temper that made her act on impulse. Although there were some small bad character that made others fell unhappy, she gradually overcame the flaws in his character with her strong will after the later experiences and achieved his dream about becoming independent as a feminine writer.
  2.1. Her Independence
  In 1860s, the Civil War in United States had great impact on social lives and thoughts. Jo, who liked playing with boys, was scared from the restriction of the traditional society. She was not a traditional woman, and this kind of personality inspired her to become an independent woman who chose her own life style.
  2.1.1.The Independence in Thinking
  She was very dissatisfied with the prevailing social customs of the unreasonable demands and restriction to women, and she hoped gain freedom and privilege in this society like a man. Her ambition was to become a writer who can earn a lot of money, rather than being a qualified housewife like other women at that time. What’s more, she did not like to live at home, nor get charities and favors from others, and she would rather living in poverty , rather than owing others.
  2.1.2The Difficult of the Independence
  She never signed it when sent his work. That’s because that she was ashamed to present the embarrassed poverty about herself to the world. On the other hand, it was also influenced by the society to the female literature in the patriarchal society at that time. Female position was very low and they were demanded to spend all their time on family. She knew that they could not fully eliminate the week image of female in the hearts of men, even if women have achieved independence in economy, which must shaken by a certain social influence.   2.2. Her Responsibility
  she learned to look after his young sister Beth when she was very young because of the poverty of her family. When the neighbor Laurie expressed his love to her, her chose to refuse. Because she knew that the most important task for her now is looking after the family because of the difficulties they are suffering. She always pay much more care and love for the family silently, but forgot her own happiness and love. What’s more, when the younger sister Beth was sick with scarlet fever, she looked her sister day and night.
  2.3. Her bravery and persistence to look for dream
  Jo loved reading and writing, and she aspired to become a writer. Even during the time when she looked after aunt March, she red her favorite books and practice writing in any free time. That time, the women were demanded to stay at home as a housewife and there were some restrict them to walk out of the house to work. But Jo was brave and she went to London to pursue her dream alone. In the way to realize her dream, she faced with many difficulties and undesirable situations and overcame them bravely.
  2.4. Her attitude to marriage
  Jo had a feeling of resistance to love and marriage. She did not think the love and marriage as their whole lives, but had a special love for literature. Although she had a passive attitude to the marriage, she eventually forced to choose a marriage, and learned to control herself in true emotion. Finally she chose to marry Prof. Bhaer who did not have a very good family background and abundant material wealth, but he could give Jo a peace and warm life after she suffering a set of difficulties. So, in Jo’s eyes, happiness of the marriage had nothing to do with the material.
  2.5. Frankness and Restiveness
  Jo was a bit boyish, out of the image of a conventional lady. She hated those things that should belong to girls. For example, making up, wearing a skirt. She spoke bluntly without thinking. When she met her neighbor Mr. Laurence were feared by all her sisters first time, she said it to his face that he was not so handsome as her grandfather. She was not willing to violate her own standards of living, nor to cater to the lady image.
  During the American Civil War, conflict and turmoil brought many sufferings and misery. But the spirits and good qualities in this story also brought people a lot of positive energies. Jo in this story told us that as long as you don’t give up, the suffering of life will eventually be in the past.
  In our lives, each girl has its own growth experience, character, and also dreams and the pursuit. And we want to be an woman who is independent, full of dream and strive for liberty. We should not only achieve economic independence by ourselves, but also to be independent in personality, making men have a completely new understanding of women.
  蒋永红. 女性的赞礼———浅议《小妇人》[J]. 时代文学( 下半月) ,2009
  路易莎. 梅. 奥尔科特,《小妇人》. 付蓉译,北京:中国宇航出版社,2014
  莫 亚 文,漫 谈《 小 妇 人 》 中 的 女 性 主 义,语 文 建 设,2013
【摘要】: 从女性形象塑造的角度出发,分析了司汤达的《红与黑》与路遥的《人生》中女性爱情观的像似点。探讨了不同国度,不同时代的文学形象的典型意义。透过德·瑞那夫人和刘巧珍、马特尔小姐和黄亚萍这两组人物形象,认识她们对爱情的理解和追求。  【关键词】: 爱情;付出;追求  作为中国当代文坛的著名作家,路遥创作了许多优秀的作品,其中篇小说《人生》是一部具有代表性的作品。全文围绕主人公高加林来展开叙述,
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整个早晨的天空都被小雨充斥,昨天夜里伴着雷声袭卷而来的疼痛感还在和她的痛觉神经纠缠。明枝小心翼翼地挪动着身体,试图换个能让她被左腿压了整夜的右腿舒服一点的姿势。  望着缠满白色绷带的左膝盖,她的脑海里渐渐浮现出一些片段:原本清亮的天空被深黑的幕布割据,路灯下斑驳的人影越来越稀疏。她的双手相互交叉放在胸前,深秋的凉风让人越来越清醒。  (一)  她才16岁,花季雨季的年华正该是淡淡的天空与纯洁的云相
【摘要】:在接受美学视野下,采用传统的文本分析法,以中晚唐时期白居易诗歌为文本材料,再结合稍后诗人对其的评价,揭示中晚唐读者对白诗的传播与接受。通过上述勾勒,文章分为三个部分:第一部分以白居易“行书上卷”为例,从接受美学角度研究当时读者的阅读取向;第二部分为文章重点,从“读者意识”出发,探讨其内涵及对白诗在中晚唐时期传播、接受的影响。  【关键词】:接受美学;白诗;中唐;接受  白居易的诗歌在他生
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《孔雀东南飞》作为人教版高一语文必修2中一篇重要的文言文,一直以来都是教学的重难点,尤其是造成焦仲卿和刘兰芝悲剧的原因,一直以来众说纷纭,多数老师都会花很大的功夫去给学生讲解。本人也不例外,可是从备课到上课直至课后反思,本人发现造成焦刘悲剧的原因远不是我们在课堂上讲解的那样简单。  通过整理总结,我发现,可将其归纳为以下几点:  一、焦刘两家并不门当户对,从一开始就注定了这是一场悲剧。  我们翻看
He is a tough man who always bears it in mind that he is going to the sea, fishing with his skiff day and night until he hooks a fish. He can leave the land but he cannot stand leaving the sea, althou
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1.Introduction  Culture is a story that we tell ourselves about ourselves. To be more specific, Chinese culture is greatly distinct from western culture. The 1960s witnessed the great change in Chines