ASEAN—China Centre Participated in the 2015 CAEXPO Tourism Exhibition in Guilin

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  On 29-31 May 2015, the ASEAN China Centre (ACC) participated in the 2015 CAEXPO Tourism Exhibition co-sponsored by China National Tourism Administration (CNTA) and the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. As the only supporting organization, ACC organized a delegation which was led by Secretary-General Yang Xiuping. ASEAN Ambassadors and diplomats were among the invited guests to the Exhibition.
  On the evening of 28 May, Secretary-General Yang delivered a speech at the Welcoming Gala Dinner of the Exhibition, briefing on the current situation and developing trend of ASEAN-China relations, the important role of tourism in promoting the relation between ASEAN and China, as well as ACC’s tasks and efforts in promoting tourism cooperation between ASEAN and China. On 29 May, to mark the Opening of the Tourism Exhibition, Secretary-General Yang attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony together with the Chairman of CNTA Mr. Li Jinzao, Governor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Mr. Chen Wu, Ministers in charge of Tourism of Brunei and Laos, and representatives from ASEAN Embassies in China, followed by a tour to the Exhibition Hall.
  The CPC Secretary Mr. Zhao Leqin and Mayor Mr. Zhou Jiabin of Guilin met with the delegation of ACC and ASEAN diplomats led by Secretary General Yang. The delegation also toured the Guilin Institution of Tourism, visited Reed Flute Cave, Lijiang River and Yang Shuo County.
  Covering an area of 23,000 square meters, the Exhibition was participated by around 50 countries including all the 10 ASEAN Member States, as well as U. S., Australia, Italy and so forth. Over 800 prominent enterprises and 300 global buyers also visited the Exhibition. ACC not only set up its own booth, introduced the basic information and role of ACC, distributed new ASEAN Tourism Brochures which were jointly edited by ACC and ASEAN Secretariat during the 3-day event, but also sent representatives to actively exchange information and communicate with counterparts from other countries and answered queries from the public. During the Exhibition, more than 6,000 visitors expressed great interest in ASEAN tourism.
  Among the attendees of the 2015 CAEXPO Tourism Exhibition were Minister of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam Pehin Dato Seri Awang Haji Yahya, Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of the Lao’s People’s Democratic Republic Mr. Bosengkham, Ambassador of Brunei to China Mrs. Magdalene Teo, Ambassador of Cambodia to China Mrs. Khek M Caimealy, Ambassador of Viet Nam to China Mr. Nguyen Van Tho, Deputy Chief of Mission of Malaysia Embassy in China Mr. John K Samuel, Minister Counsellor of Embassy of Thailand in China Ms. Kundhinee Aksornwong, Minister of Embassy of the Philippines in China Ms. Rhenita B. Rodriguez, Consul Gneral of Indonesia in Guangzhou Ms. Ratu Silvy Gayatri, Counsellor of Embassy of Myanmar in China Mr. Khun Naing Naing and Ms. Claire Soon, representative of Embassy of Singapore in China.
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两千多年前,在古代海上丝绸之路形成的很长时期里,人们将陶瓷、丝绸、茶叶、香料、宝石等货物装上船,在中国南方各港与印度洋无数次的往返来回,向着海洋,向着未知的一切出发,每一趟出发都是一次冒险。  人们披星戴月,迎着惊涛骇浪,远渡重洋进行着商品的交换,只因没有一个直接有效的平台可以供商人们一站式采购。从建立之初,作为中国—东盟自贸区的推手,到如今千年丝路薪火重燃,走过11年历史的东博会已然成为服务海丝
H.E. Madam Yang Xiuping, the new Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), arrived at the ACC Secretariat on 26 May 2015, and was warmly greeted by all the officials and staff of ACC. Mr. Bai
有一群非常独特的女性,她们在异国风情的舞曲中赤足舞蹈,扭腰舞腹,时而如流水一般优雅,时而如火焰一样热情奔放,尽情挥动的双臂像天使的翅膀,性感妖娆的身姿散发着非凡的魅力。她们就是肚皮舞者。她们洋溢着青春和激情,展示着女人的性感和魅力。  肚皮舞最早是一种宗教仪式,发源于中东地区,腹部的摇摆是为了庆祝妇女多产以及歌颂生命,赤脚舞蹈是为了保持和土地亲密的联系。肚皮舞是身心合一的修身养性之舞,也是神圣且崇
2015年5月29日至31日,由中国国家旅游局和广西壮族自治区人民政府联合主办,中国—东盟中心作为支持单位的2015年中国—东盟博览会旅游展在桂林举办。中国—东盟中心杨秀萍秘书长同中心组织的东盟国家驻华使节代表团一行应邀与会。  5月28日,杨秀萍秘书长在中国旅游推介会暨旅游展招待晚宴上致辞,介绍了中国—东盟关系发展现状与趋势、旅游业在促进中国—东盟关系中发挥的重要作用、中国—东盟中心的职能和为推
2015年5月20日,由中国—东盟中心和北京外国语大学共同举办的第4届东盟国家驻华大使系列演讲(新加坡)在北外成功举行。新加坡驻华大使罗家良就“25年来的新中伙伴关系”发表主旨演讲,取得热烈反响。  中国—东盟中心代理秘书长黄英、北外党委书记韩震、菲律宾驻华大使巴西里奥、马来西亚、菲律宾、泰国驻华使馆代表以及北外90余名师生参加活动。中心新闻公关部主任乐达·普马担任主持人,并介绍了中心组织的大使系
Over two thousand years ago, in a fairly long time when the ancient Maritime Silk Road was taking shape, people loaded ships with ceramics, tea, spices and gems etc., making voyages between China’s so
新加坡具有别处难以比拟的多元性。作为一个多元种族社会,新加坡是不同族群、文化和宗教的融合之地,各方面都具有非常悠久的历史。各族群不仅和睦共存,而且互相尊重,各种族间的和谐关系尽显露于日常交往和节庆活动中。  如果您想亲身体验新加坡的多元种族文化,不妨前往参观不同的种族文化区,您将能够在那里受到文化的浸礼。建议前往牛车水、甘榜格南、小印度、如切和加东等不同种族文化区参观。  牛车水 领略中华文化的魅