采用外贴碳纤维增强复合材料(CFRP)加固的钢筋混凝土结构,由于CFRP的高温力学性能较差,使得加固后的钢筋混凝土结构存在耐火性能不足的问题。相比而言,将CFRP板条嵌入被加固构件的混凝土保护层之中的嵌入式加固方法,由于外覆混凝土层的保护,CFRP板条的黏结材料可以免受外部恶劣环境、碰撞和火灾的影响,使得加固钢筋混凝土结构在理论上具有更好的抗火性能。为了深入了解内嵌CFRP板条的加固梁在高温下的力学性能,进行了9根内嵌CFRP板条加固梁和2根外贴CFRP布加固及1根未加固的对比梁的高温性能试验,通过ISO 834标准升温试验,研究了4个主要因素,即加固方法(嵌入式/外贴式)、防火保温模式(楔入/单面/三面)、防火材料(超薄型防火涂料/厚型防火涂料)和黏结剂的种类(环氧树脂/氯氧镁水泥)对梁的高温性能的影响。试验结果表明,采用适当的防火保护并选择有效的黏结材料,内嵌CFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁可以达到规范要求的耐火极限。
Due to the poor high temperature mechanical properties of CFRP, the reinforced concrete structure reinforced by externally bonded carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) has the problem of insufficient fire resistance. In contrast, the CFRP lath embedded in the concrete cover of the reinforced structure is reinforced by an overcladding concrete layer protection, CFRP lath of the bonding material can be protected from external harsh environment, collision and fire Impact, making the reinforced concrete structure in theory has better fire resistance. In order to understand deeply the mechanical properties of CFRP slab reinforced beams under high temperature, nine CFRP slab reinforced beams, two CFRP sheets reinforced and one unreinforced contrast beam were tested. Through the ISO 834 standard temperature test, four main factors were studied, namely strengthening method (embedded / external affixed), fire insulation mode (wedging / single side / three sides), fireproof material Fire retardant coating) and the type of binder (epoxy resin / magnesium oxychloride cement) on the high temperature performance of the beam. The test results show that the CFRP reinforced RC beams can meet the fire resistance limit of the code by using appropriate fire protection and selecting effective bonding materials.