先天性弓形体病是一种潜在的严重感染,一般发生于无免疫力妇女所产的新生儿中。病例报道:该病例发生于一名表现出正常免疫活性并接受过弓形虫免疫的妇女所生的新生儿中。据笔者所知,至今仅有类似的3 例见诸报道。结论:就新生儿的先天性感染而言,不能仅根据母亲的免疫状态就排除新生儿感染弓形虫的可能。应尽快进行检查并给予相应处理。
Congenital toxoplasmosis is a potentially serious infection that normally occurs in newborns born to non-immunized women. Case report: This case occurred in a newborn baby born to a woman who showed normal immunocompetence and who had been immunized with Toxoplasma gondii. As far as I know, so far only 3 cases reported in similar reports. Conclusion: In neonates with congenital infection, neonatal infection with Toxoplasma gondii can not be ruled out based solely on the mother’s immune status. Should be inspected as soon as possible and give appropriate treatment.