Multiple choice for medical examinations, commonly used are the best choice (A type), compatibility (B type), more disguised non-question (C type) and compound is non-question type (K type and X type) . Some comrades in the field of medical education have long opposed the K-type question. They think that knowing the K-type question has some know-how, but it actually reflects some defects in the K-type question answer combination form. In the past, when we proposed the proposition, we only considered the order of the alternative answers, but did not analyze the reasons for the existence of the defects from the fixed format of the combination of the questions and seek a more appropriate remedy. Any comrade Ren “on the multi-choice exam questions K-type point of view” (contained in “Medical Education” 1985.7) one article, made a thorough and systematic analysis of the K-type questions, after reading quite inspired. Now we also put forward some problems and opinions we encountered in practice and discussed with everyone.