美国安德鲁公司正式任命42岁的PaulCox先生为其通信产品部总裁。PaulCox先生于2000年9月加入安德鲁公司 ,出任卫星产品系统和政府专用天线部副总裁。2000年11月 ,他成为通信产品部副总裁 ,于2001年2月被选举为通信产品集团总裁。PaulCo
Andrew company in the United States formally appointed 42-year-old Paul Cox as its president of communications products. Mr. Paul Cox joined Andrew Corporation in September 2000 as Vice President of Satellite Products Systems and Government-Specific Antennas. In November 2000, he became Vice President of the Communications Products Division and was elected President of the Communications Products Group in February 2001. PaulCo