The ion chromatography ICP-MS (ICICPMS) was established for the determination of trace BrO-3 and Br- in drinking water. BrO-3 and Br- separation was performed using DIONEX Carbopolac 100 (4 mm x 250 mm id) at a flow rate of 1 mL / min and 5 mmol / L NH4NO3 (pH 5.7) eluent. The detection limit of BrO-3 was 0.0027μmol / L (0.22μg / L) in 100μL injection volume and 0.0067μmol / L (0.54μg / L) to Br-. The analysis of the water samples showed that the concentration of BrO-3 in the mineral water under test exceeded the guideline of bromate specified in the latest WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality, and the measured domestic water consumption in Laoshan District of Qingdao No BrO-3 was detected.