比较观察了两种宫内节育器 (FICu- IUD、FCu- IUD)对妇女子宫出血和体内贮备铁的影响 ,通过生殖激素测定排除了 FICu- IUD对生殖内分泌的影响。结果发现 :1临床观察中 FICu- IUD组经量增多、经期延长者较 FCu- IUD组减少 ,个别妇女的经血量 (MBL)甚至少于置器前。 2 MBL、 Hb、血清铁蛋白 (SF)测定显示 ,FICu- IUD组妇女MBL 较 FCu- IUD明显减少 (P<0 .0 5 ) ;两组 Hb均在正常水平 ;SF水平也均在正常值范围内。 3FICu- IU D对促卵泡成熟激素 (FSH)、黄体生成激素 (L H)、雌二醇 (E2 )、黄体酮 (P)水平无影响。研究结果显示 :释放吲哚美辛的固定式铜宫内节育器减少子宫出血有效 ,不影响体内贮备铁和生殖内分泌水平
The effects of FICu-IUD (FCu-IUD) on uterine bleeding and iron in the body were compared. Reproductive hormones were used to exclude the effects of FICu-IUD on reproductive endocrine. The results showed that: 1 Clinical observation of FICu-IUD group increased by the amount of menstruation were reduced compared with the FCu-IUD group, individual women’s menstrual blood (MBL) even less than before the device. The MBL, Hb and SF in the FICu-IUD group were significantly lower than those in the FCu-IUD group (P <0.05). The levels of Hb in the two groups were all in the normal level and the levels of SF in the normal group Range. 3FICu-IU D had no effect on follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) The results show that: the release of indometacin fixed intrauterine device to reduce the effect of uterine bleeding is effective, does not affect the body of iron and reproductive endocrine levels