炎热的夏季,中午的阳光烧灼着人群拥护的海滩。成百上千的日光浴者们,摊开四肢,躺卧在沙滩上,尽情享受着阳光的照射,全身被晒得通红通红。 这一情景,每年夏天都在世界各地无数次地重复着,数以百万计的人们并不知道这样作对他们并没有好处,还继续让日光侵害着他们的皮肤。令人忧虑的是,这种状况正在令人震惊地日趋恶化。 日光紫外线的过度照射会引起恶性皮肤疾病,有的还会发展成死亡率极高的恶性黑素瘤。其他大多数皮肤癌为基细胞癌和扁平细胞癌。这两种皮肤癌虽不如黑素瘤的死亡率高,但如不及时治疗也很危
In the hot summer, the noon’s sun burns the crowded beach. Hundreds of sunbathers spread their limbs, lying on the beach, enjoying the sun’s rays, and the whole body was red and red. This scenario is repeated many times in every part of the world every summer. Millions of people do not know that doing so is not good for them. They continue to let sunlight damage their skin. Worryingly, this situation is alarmingly worsening. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays in the sun can cause malignant skin diseases, and some can develop malignant melanomas with high mortality. Most other skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Although these two types of skin cancer are not as high as the mortality rate of melanoma, they are also very dangerous if they are not treated promptly.