耳机是一种电声换能装置,它是将电信号转换为声音信号并通过耳机表现出来的一种听音设备。与扬声器不同的是,耳机的作用是在一个小的空穴内造成声压, 扬声器则是向自由空间辐射声能。耳机基本工作于 20Hz∽20kHz 的人耳可闻的频段, 这是声学中从频率零点几赫兹的次声到几千兆赫的特超声中极为有限的区域。但即使是这样一个狭窄的频段, 其高端频率也比低端频率高出 1000 倍。如果将这个 1000:1 的比值放在一个等效的抗性网络设计中考虑,就会发现问题十分严重, 这使得优质耳机的设计和制造变得十分困难。耳机的设计,必须在机、电、声这三种系统里存在的诸多矛盾因素中采用折衷的办法,因而在一定程度上带有许多设计者主观的思路和技巧, 这就形成了不同品牌、不同类型耳机的“个性”和“味道”。许多朋友问“哪种耳机是最好听的?” 这同问“哪种风味小吃最好吃?”的一样, 常常使回答者无所适从。话虽这么说,但是如果对各种耳机的机理、结构、特性先有个基本的了解,还是可以做到心中有数,然后根据自己的用途,再有目的的在众多的耳机品牌和型号中有选择的试听, 也就不难找到自己满意的产品了。
An earphone is an electroacoustic transducer that is a type of listening device that converts an electrical signal into a sound signal and presents it through a headset. The difference is that with the speaker, the role of the headset is to create a small hole in the sound pressure, the speaker is radiating sound energy to free space. The earphones basically work in the audible frequency range of 20Hz ∽ 20kHz, which is a very limited area of acoustics from the infrasound of a few tenths of a hertz to tens of gigahertz. But even in such a narrow band, its high-end frequency is 1,000 times higher than the low-end frequency. If you consider this 1000: 1 ratio in an equivalent, resistant network design, you will find the problem serious, making the design and manufacture of quality headsets difficult. The design of the earphone must adopt the eclectic method among the many contradictory factors existing in the three systems of machine, electricity and sound, and thus to a certain extent, has many subjective ideas and techniques of the designer, thus forming different brands, Different types of headphones, “personality” and “taste.” Many of my friends ask, “Which type of earphone is the best?” This is often the same as asking which snack is best? Having said that, but if a variety of headphone mechanism, structure, characteristics of a basic understanding of the first, or can be aware of, and then according to their own purposes, then there are many in the headphone brand and model Select the audition, it is not difficult to find their own satisfied with the product.