Semantic symbols to create personalized products

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  Symbol is a load and transmission of information intermediary, is a simplified means of understanding of things, different symbols have different meanings expressed, and this is symbolic semantics. Symbolic semantics can help us more in-depth knowledge and understanding of various cultures. Introduced in the product design is the symbol of the symbol semantics cultural connotation injected into the design of products, the product is the product form of the semantic content of the products, the external manifestation of culture. In the current design, the designer for the understanding and application of semantic symbols often only stay in the shape of the product, that is seemingly only the surface of the product patterns of cultural meaning, symbols, decorations, decorated just like Semantic surface, then we will explore the true sense of the expression of cultural content in the product to create a culture of personalized products.
  Semiotics as a theoretical method of communication is intended to establish broad rules can be applied to the exchange, the main mode of transmission of the content of the symbols of various semantic features, the types of information symbols, syntax, semantics and applications. In the field of industrial design products appeared semiotics, is to design a methodology change. Symbol Susan ? Langer to sign into the logic of written language written language symbol system and non-emotional symbol system. Emotional symbol system is based on the people way of thinking based on the perception of first text to text language and is the source of logical thinking. Human vision, touch, hearing, taste and smell form the basis of emoticons. In between, involving visual and tactile shape is the main form, form is separated from the emotional sign language symbols, forms the symbolic meaning of a symbol is the significance of emotional.
  In industrial design, the symbol of the product form expression of the designer or user is also a carrier of emotion. In this sense, the designer's grasp for the product form is particularly important because it embodies the emotional symbol for the product as the impact of consumer sentiment. Emotional symbol system is the basis of written language, so the form of the products as a symbol to express emotion language designers want to pass to consumers the semantics, the product form of the semantic vector as the product appears. This form of man-made symbol in the use of context features and how to apply the discipline of industrial design, which is the product semantics.
  Semiotics is the basis of product semantics, semiotic product semantics is in the product design, product design, which widened the scope of ergonomics, man machine engineering is not limited to human physical and physiological Functional considerations, but on the design factors to the psychological factor in depth and scope of psychological factors. It allows the expression of product modeling in addition to its functional purpose other than to express the semantics of more products through the symbols of cultural connotation, connotation and characteristics of the times and values, to make products more user-friendly, personalized, and even the products as a symbol become the user's personal social position, values of the symbol.
  We see the products in the market brought us the impression semantics, usually reflected in the shape, color, texture, function and other aspects.
  When people see something seen before and its always something to shape, color, texture, etc., in comparison, so users of the product form of awareness is usually subject to other similar product. Form of the products that give users visual emotional stimuli, through the grasp of the product form to capture the hearts of consumers, is the most direct way of product design.
  2.Color and texture
  Color and texture are also products that consumers can first see the impact of factors that impressed, but also the product of direct expression of the semantic elements. Different colors and materials can bring people of different feelings, but how the different products for appropriate use of color and texture, so that product designers want to communicate to the user's information can be accurately perceived that the study of the semantics.
  Product semantics in the functional aspects of the product's performance is to reduce the user's learning process, the operation of the machine meet the user experience, behavior characteristics and operation of the imagination, which can reduce the error handling, so that products meet the maximum understanding of the human visual and operation.
  Product features is the product of self expression is an important means to the designer on the product features through the positioning sure you want to express to the user's information, the designer at design time using the product if the user that may arise in a variety of conditions and made a full psychological analysis and investigation, it can certainly design a great product.
  Industrial designers to create such a state of mind: a new vision and design of scientific enthusiasm. It is not due to individual design methods, but read the premise of the community, in the comprehensive and thorough study of people, based on the quality of scientific thinking and ability to create exquisite designs can be accepted by the community and led consumer products.
摘 要:破产管理人是指在破产程序进行过程中负责破产财产的管理、处分、业务经营以及破产方案拟定和执行的专门机构,破产管理人在破产程序开始到终结的过程中扮演着至关重要的角色,因此破产管理人监督机制的完善也显得尤其重要。我国破产管理人监督机制存在着一系列弊端和不足之处,因此应当细化破产管理人的善良注意义务;细化和完善法院监督;完善债权人会议监督;完善破产管理人的法律责任制度。  关键词:破产管理人;破产
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摘 要:随着经济与社会的飞速发展和高校招生规模的不断扩大,大学生在心理、学习、就业、经济等方面的压力与日俱增,大学生中的弱势群体也越来越多。这就要求我们以新的理念、采取新的策略来应对这一挑战。我们需要将个案工作运用到解决大学生弱势群体问题中,以更好地对各种不同类型的大学生弱势群体开展工作,帮助他们解决问题,促进其健康成长与全面发展。  关键词:个案工作;大学生弱势群体;新平台    一、问题的提出
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