On the basis of summarizing the literature of acupuncture and moxibustion in treating children with cerebral palsy in recent years, the paper analyzes the characteristics of language disorders and rehabilitation in children with cerebral palsy and discusses the treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion with cerebral palsy. Found that acupuncture intervention in children with cerebral palsy language disorder treatment has distinct characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine can significantly improve children with cerebral palsy language disorders. However, there are currently acupuncture interventions in integrated therapy, and its efficacy is mostly confined to the combination therapy and monotherapy contrast, the lack of a comprehensive comparison of therapies, failed to show the advantages of acupuncture combined with other therapies. Therefore, how to achieve the organic combination of various therapies and whether there is any difference between the various therapies during the combination is worthy of further study. Moreover, it is necessary to explore the mechanism of acupuncture treatment. In order to establish a comprehensive treatment system of cerebral palsy with acupuncture as the center Lay the foundation.