为了能精确地测试和评定微构件的力学特性,需研制微拉伸装置.本文对电磁-线圈力驱动器的结构和参数进行了优化设计,并将其应用于微拉伸装置.结果表明,由于磁场梯度与线圈的激励电流成线性关系,因而能进行精确的控制.在设计微拉伸装置时,样品的一端附在由叶片弹簧悬挂的可移动拉杆上,另一端固定.通过线圈激励产生的磁场对拉杆上的磁铁作用,施加拉力.利用光纤传感器测量位移.最后,采用内径a1=0.008m,匝数n=12800的线圈,可得到作用于磁铁的力与电流的关系为ΔF/ΔI=0.503±0.01mN/mA.“,”In order to test and evaluate the mechanical properties of the used films or microstructures accuratly, the optimum configuration and geometry for a magnet-solenoid force actuator have been presented, enabling its application to the design of microtensile test device. In order to precision controlled, the linear relationship between the magnetic field gradient and the coil excitation current has been achieved. At last, the microtensile test device is described. One end of the sample is attached to a movable rod suspended by leaf springs and the other end is held fixed. Force is applied to the rod by a coaxial electromagnet acting on permanent magnets attached to the rod. Displacements are measured with optical fibers. For the coil of a1=0.008m,α=2,β=1,χ=0.77 and n=12800, the force on the magnets is linear in current with a slope of ΔF/ΔI=0.503±0.01mN/mA.