杜尔斯.格林拜恩 Durs Gruenbein(1962~),德国当代诗人、散文家、翻译家。1962年10月9日出生于前民主德国的德累斯顿。1985年进入东柏林大学学习戏剧学,1987年肄业。自1989年起曾数次游历欧洲和北美洲。现作为自由作家和发行人居住在德国柏林。格林拜恩著有诗集《清晨的灰色地域》(1988)、《颅底课》(1991)、《皱纹与陷阱》(1994)、《献给敬爱的死者》(1994)、《讽刺文学之后》(1999)和散文集《伽利略想念但丁的地狱》(1996)。格林拜恩以其独特的诗歌奠定了他在当代德国文学中的地位,1989年以来荣膺多项文学奖:莱昂瑟与莱娜奖(1989)、不来梅文学奖(1992)、尼柯拉斯·博尔恩
Durs Gruenbein Durs Gruenbein (1962 ~), German contemporary poet, essayist, translator. Born on October 9, 1962 in Dresden, a former democratic Germany. Into East Berlin University in 1985 to study drama, 1987 industry. He has traveled Europe and North America several times since 1989. Now living as a freelance writer and publisher in Berlin, Germany. Greenpeace is the author of a collection of poems entitled Early Morning Gray Areas (1988), Skull and Cram (1991), Wrinkles and Traps (1994), Dedication to Beloved (1994), Satirical Literature (1999) and essay “Galileo Miss Dante’s Hell” (1996). Green Bayin has established his position in contemporary German literature with his unique poetry and has won a number of literary awards since 1989: Lyonscher and Lena Prize (1989), Bremen Prize for Literature (1992), Nicolas Born