一、概述 在维修测厚仪的时候,维修人员必须注意以下三点: 1.必须熟悉电路原理 维修测厚仪要提倡敢于实践,又要反对盲目动手,也就是说:必须在理论指导下进行实践。比如萤光管出现的故障,可能的原因很多,如不加分析胡乱调正和更换元件,将会使故障扩大,欲速而不达。倘若懂得了测?
I. Overview In the maintenance of the thickness gauge, the maintenance staff must pay attention to the following three points: 1. Must be familiar with the circuit principle Maintenance thickness gauge to promote daring to practice, but also against the blind hands, that is: must be under the guidance of theory practice. Such as fluorescent tube failure, there may be many reasons, such as without analysis of random adjustment and replacement of components, will make the failure to expand, hurry up. If you know the test?