Kampung Pelangi是位于印度尼西亚中爪哇省的一个小村庄,曾经这里的房屋破败不堪,是个名副其实的贫民窟。但如今,在设计师和当地政府的帮助下,这个穷破的小村庄完成了一次华丽的转身。政府仅仅投入22467美元(约15.4万元人民币)对该村庄的232间房屋进行改造,同时将房屋的屋顶和外墙涂上了彩虹色,一些房屋外墙上还画上涂鸦图案。美化了村庄的同时,也改善了环境,为整个村庄注入了新的活
Kampung Pelangi is a small village in Central Java, Indonesia, once homely ruined and a real slum. But now, with the help of designers and local authorities, the poor, hamlet has made a magnificent turn. The government only invested $ 22,467 (about 154,000 yuan) to renovate 232 villages in the village. At the same time, the roofs and facades of the houses were painted with iridescent colors. Some houses were painted graffiti on the exterior walls. While beautifying the village, it also improves the environment and infuses new life into the entire village