An analysis on the difficulties of the classroom communication

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  【关键词】分析 困难 课堂交流
  1. Introduction
  We do not live only as individuals. As members of the society, we are always in a social context. We must communicate with others, like our families, workmates and so on. As teachers, we should communicate with our students. What is communication in the classroom? How to communicate with different students? Why different teachers communicate with the students in different ways? With these questions, I observed some classes. And I got some. Though I am still not very clear about it, I want to write out what I thought, what puzzled me and what is still puzzling me.
  2. What is classroom communication?
  The classroom communication is the interaction between the teachers and the students. Classroom communication consists of the verbal and nonverbal transactions between teacher and students and between or among students. (Pamela J. Cooper,1991). He said that in order to communicate, we need interactants and a message. We also need channels (hearing, sight, and the other senses) through which the message can be sent and received. In addition, it also consists of feedback (verbal or nonverbal), noise (signal), and environment (classroom climate).
  2.1 What is the nature of the classroom communication?
  Among all the kinds of classroom communication, the communication between teachers and students is very important.
  Communication is a transactional process that is complex, symbolic, and a relational component. From a transactional process perspective, we are who we are in relation to the other person with whom we are communicating. In other words, when we say communication is transactional, we are saying that people adapt and change their own communication—even as it is occurring—based on their perception of the way in which the other person is communicating to them.( Pamela J. Cooper, 1991)
  Arno Bellack and his colleagues devised a system to analyze classroom communication according to four moves: 1. Structuring, 2. Soliciting, 3.Responding, 4.Reacting.(cited from Pamela J. Cooper, 1991)
  2.2 Characteristics of classroom communication
  The classroom communication is similar to other communication. But it is still a little different from others: Five characteristics are notable. 1. Roles are fairly limited and adhered to carefully. 2. A second characteristic of classroom communication is that most messages are informational rather than persuasive in nature. 3. The third is that schools focus on improving students’ competencies. 4. Closely related to this characteristic is a fourth one—socialization. 5. Finally, a fifth characteristic of communication in the classroom is that evaluation is a major component of the educational environment. (cited from Pamela J. Cooper, 1991)   2.3 Why classroom communication?
  The actions in the classroom includes the teachers’ teaching and the students’ learning and the communication between them. Classroom communication is an important way for the teachers and the students to interact.
  2.4 What data does it work with?
  the observation in a classroom works with the following: field notes, interview, conversation, autobiographical writing, teachers’ stories, family stories, and photo personal artifacts letters. In this paper, I will mainly work with interview, conversation, teachers’ stories.
  2.5 Why I want to do the observation?
  My knowing about teachers is always changing. After I had been an English teacher for sixteen years in the junior middle school in Wuyi, I found some difficulties in teaching. I am puzzled, so are my workmates. I decided to observe their life in the school as teachers. And they agreed.
  3. Our stories
  3.1 Story in the first class
  December the third in 2010, I started to observe the classes. The first class begins at a quarter to eight The teacher is a man who is a little older than me. First he checked the homework then explained something new. I looked around and found that about half students were listening to the teacher carefully. But two boys didn’t listen to him at all. They just looked at their desks without a word. I thought they were reading novels. Some students were talking in a low voice or doing anything else. A boy put his head on the desk. Time went on, the teacher was writing something on the blackboard. He was illustrating. Several girls’ mind went away. The teacher is patient, he is giving his class as his plan. Twenty minutes later, fewer students were still listening to the teacher. I could hear some noise came from some different places in the classroom all the time. The teacher was still going on, I couldn’t judge whether he knew about what the students were doing. He just taught his lesson. Sometimes he asked several questions, but nobody put up his/her hand. It was time for workbook. Some students were doing the exercises, some were not. The teacher came down to have a look at what the students did. But he just stayed in the front for a few minutes and went back to the teacher’s desk. Then he checked the answers. He asked a student to share his answer with others, the little boy was a little shy and he spoke in a low voice. There was something wrong in his answer, the teacher asked other students to think it over again and correct it. Finally he explained it himself. Time went by, some students were a little impatient. A girl was fighting with the sleep. She looked so sleepy. The clock was on the back wall, a boy turned back to see it again and again. Class was over, but the teacher still had something to say, he went on. To my surprise the students were patient then. They were waiting. Two students of next class were playing near the back door. Some turned back. Some students began to talk again. The teacher finished his talk, all the students stood up and said goodbye to the teacher.   3.2 Story in the third class
  The third class was politics. The teacher was just graduated from the university. The students kept on talking in his class. He was a little nervous when he saw me. It made him sad to let me meet him in such a class. His face turned red. I went away…
  The last class in the morning is English. I am also an English teacher in this school. When the teacher knew that I would go to observe her class she felt a little nervous. She changed her teaching plan. She was not natural in her class. I felt a little sorry. I don’t think I should stay there. Just then, another teacher came to have a talk with me, so I went away again.
  3.3 Story in the fourth class
  They had lunch at twenty past eleven. At twelve ten, most students came back to the classroom. They were talking or brawling. A few students were doing their homework. The head teachers’ coming changed it. Most students sat down quietly and began to do the exercises. After the teacher left here, some of them went on talking. My staying made no difference to them. It is a rule here to let the students study by themselves before the class in the afternoon. I left the classroom to walk around. All the students were in their classrooms. Most head teachers were here. Some teachers were giving classes. Some were sitting at the teachers’ desk to keep the students quiet. Some classes were having tests.
  4. My understanding
  4.1 What I got after the day in the classroom
  When I sat at the back of the class, I found my workmates were like teaching machines. They just said what they were asked to say. They were neither happy nor sad, just numb. They didn’t communicate with the students at all. Just like Albert Cullum said, the words, the words, the words, only words. And our students, what they could do is just “we should listen and listen and listen”.(Albert Cullum). It is a great sad for us teachers.
  We should face this problem. As teachers, there are not many that we can do. But we must do something to develop ourselves. Several communication variables contribute to building a positive relationship between student and teacher—positive self?鄄concept, effective self?鄄disclosure, accurate perception, and shared language and meaning. (Pamela J. Cooper,1991)
  4.2 Further thinking about teacher identity
  Teachers are so important to the students during the process they grow. So now it is a great society problem. People paid more attention on it. But it needs time. We are teachers, we can effect the students deeply. If we can find ourselves, if we can make it clear what we can do, if we can be happy teachers, our students can be happy students, the whole society will be happier. We can?蒺t just wait others to change our life, we can wait, we should wait, but we mustn?蒺t just wait.
  [1]Chen Xiao (2001), Narrative Inquiry
  [2]D. Jean Clandinin and F.Michael Connelly (2000). San Francisco: Jossey Bass Publishers. Narrative Inquiry: Experience and Story in Qualitative Research. 211
  [3]John Dewey (1933) How We Think. A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process
  [4]Pamelar J. Cooper (1991) Communication for the classroom teacher(Fifth edition) 1-11
  [5]Richard, P. Lipka and Thomas, M. Brinthaupt (1998). The Role of Self in Teacher Development. State University of New York Press
【摘要】随着素质教育潮流的推进,高中英语教学模式迫切需要深刻地转变。长期以来,英语教学中的写作往往偏重于对写作方法的一味灌输,缺乏教学方式和思路的改进与革新,长此以往,不利于教学效率的提升。基于此,本文结合生动具体的高中英语教学案例,系统论述在高中英语写作教学中推行互动式模式的有效方法。  【关键词】互动式 写作教学 高中英语 教学模式 课堂效率  师生的互动是多门学科共同的研究领域,然而,随着教
阅读教学在我国外语教学中历来受到重视。今天的信息时代更需要人们广泛而有效地进行阅读,因而对阅读能力的培养也提出了更高的要求。当今的社会是信息的社会,能直接阅读外语书籍、报刊杂志,从中获得必要的信息,这是非常重要的。此外,我们掌握的语言材料越多,使用外语的能力提高得就越快。在目前学生缺乏直接听、说外语机会的情况下,通过阅读接触外语,吸收语言材料,获得信息是一种重要的学习外语的途径。  高中英语大纲明
【关键词】开口 学英语 学生  交际是语言教学的本质,学习英语的目的在于借助它加强人与人之间的认知和交流,而最直接最常用的交流方式就是“说”。但多年来我们英语教学由于受考试制度等因素的影响,一直忽视对学生口头表达能力的培养,结果导致很多学生“苦学”了多年英语后还是“聋子”和“哑巴”一个。那如何才能打开学生嘴上的“锁”,让学生轻松流利地“说”英语呢?对此,我有几点看法:  一、端正教学指导思想,注重
英语引申比较教学法不同于英语句型教学、语法教学和单一的词汇教学。引申比较教学是先引申出两个以上的词语,然后进行比较。通过引申来扩大和丰富学生的词汇量,通过比较来帮助学生理解和使用语言。  英语中的词语复杂,内容丰富,词义涉及面广。我们不可能一次将一个词的各种词义都引申出来进行比较,这样反而会造成复杂化,使学生更难理解和掌握。这里所谈的引申比较,是从一个词语在课文中的基本词义出发,进行引申比较,用较
【摘要】本文针对中职学生写作中常见错误从词汇、句法、文法、语法等七个方面加以分析总结,并结合笔者多年的教学实践,摸索出几点解决这些问题的方法对策,希望能有助于提高中职学生的写作能力。  【关键词】写作 日常教学 丰富阅读 强化训练  教育部颁发的《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》要求学生能根据所给提示条件写出60-80个单词左右的英语短文。内容连贯,文理通顺,无严重语法或结构错误。这看上去似乎不是很高的
【摘要】《新英语课程标准》对中学英语阅读教学及学生英语阅读能力提出了更高的标准和要求。在网络环境下,结合教材主题,利用网络技术,增加主题契合、又富有时代气息的真实材料进行阅读教学来丰富和拓展英语教学内容,具有极大的优越性。  【关键词】网络技术 网络环境 英语阅读教学 教学流程  《新英语课程标准》对中学英语阅读教学及学生英语阅读能力提出了更高的标准和要求。然而现行中学英语教材其素材更新缓慢,阅读
【摘要】随着我国教育改革的深入,英语的学习显得越来越重要。根据教育目的性的规定,学习英语主要是为了学以致用。简单粗略地来讲,就是通过英语的学习,学生能运用英语进行简单的对话和沟通,在此过程中,英语口语就显得极为重要了。本文中,笔者就针对如何开展有效的口语教学,提出了一些对策,希望能促进初中生英语的学习和口语表达能力的提高。  【关键词】初中英语 口语教学 对策 口语表达  口语,最常用的形式就是说
【摘要】支架式教学是通过帮助学生建立起一套切实可行的概念框架,依靠具体教学情境,让学生独立进行学习,实现对知识的真正掌握。本文针对支架式教学在高中英语写作教学中的运用进行探讨,旨在帮助学生增加写作兴趣、培养写作技巧、提升写作能力,同时对教师优化课堂教学模式及增强教学效率等方面也有重要意义。  【关键词】支架式教学 高中英语 写作教学 运用  支架式教学的定义根据欧共体“远距离教育及训练”的相关文件