A Genetic Susceptibility Study of Lung Cancer Risk Potentially Associated with Polycyclic Aromatic H

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To establish a genetic susceptibility assessment model of lung cancer risk potentially associated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon(PAH) inhalation exposure among non-smokers in China,a total of 143 patients with lung adenocarcinoma and 143 cancer-free individuals were recruited.Sixty-eight genetic polymorphisms in 10 pathways related to PAH metabolism and tumorigenesis were selected and examined.It was observed that 3 genetic polymorphisms,along with 10 additional genetic polymorphisms via gene-gene interactions,significantly influenced lung cancer risk potentially associated with PAH inhalation exposure.Most polymorphisms were associated with PAH metabolism.According to the established genetic susceptibility score(GSS),lung cancer risk increased with a rise in the GSS level,thereby indicating a positive dose-response relationship. To establish a genetic susceptibility assessment model of lung cancer risk potentially associated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) inhalation exposure among non-smokers in China, a total of 143 patients with lung adenocarcinoma and 143 cancer-free individuals were recruited. Sixty-eight genetic polymorphisms in 10 pathways related to PAH metabolism and tumorigenesis were selected and examined. It was observed that 3 genetic polymorphisms, along with 10 additional genetic polymorphisms via gene-gene interactions, significantly influenced lung cancer risk potentially associated with PAH inhalation exposure. Master polymorphisms were associated with PAH metabolism. According to the established genetic susceptibility score (GSS), lung cancer risk increased with a rise in the GSS level, thereby indicating a positive dose-response relationship.
一  绘画作品是通过图像表达内心思考的一种形式,传达作者的思维并与观者产生共鸣。《历代名画记》开篇讲到画者“发于天然,非由述作”,其的产生乃“天地圣人之意也”。中国古代传统绘画是内敛而含蓄的,作者把情感融于画作中以抒发自己志趣,不同艺术形式中以山水画最为代表:传统山水场景的宏伟阔达、水墨的轻淡厚重、色彩的浅淡填加,融入作者对自然山林和幽居归隐的向往,使其成为中国古代绘画中最为独特的一支。山水画主要
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