对具有涂覆层目标的太赫兹波段粗糙表面的散射特性进行了研究.考虑到表面粗糙度的影响,可先对反射系数进行修正,再利用反射系数对等效电磁流进行修正,得到粗糙涂覆表面的等效电磁流,然后在物理光学方程的基础上得到粗糙表面涂覆目标的雷达散射截面;最后进行图形电磁学可视化计算,并采用Visual C++对模型进行Open GL显示,提取像素面元的有效信息对所得理论进行了仿真分析,研究了不同入射角度、不同频率、不同介质、不同粗糙度和不同涂层厚度下的太赫兹波电磁散射特性,得到了一些有参考价值的结论.
The scattering characteristics of the terahertz-band rough surface with the coating target were studied.Considering the influence of the surface roughness, the reflection coefficient can be corrected first, and then the equivalent electromagnetic current can be corrected by using the reflection coefficient to obtain the rough coating And then the equivalent electromagnetic flux of the surface is covered. Based on the physical optics equations, the radar cross section of the target coated with the rough surface is obtained. Finally, the electromagnetics visualization calculation is carried out and the Open GL display is performed on the model by using Visual C ++. The simulation results show that the electromagnetic scattering characteristics of terahertz waves at different incident angles, different frequencies, different media, different roughness and different coating thicknesses are obtained. Some valuable conclusions are obtained.