在小学《自然》教学中,如何根据儿童的心理特征,指导学生通过实验来观察自然现象,是激发学生学习兴趣,上好自然课的关键。近年来,我通过课内课外结合等方式指导学生实验与观察,取得了较好的效果。 一、课前预习 新编自然教材虽然文字不多,但内容丰富,新旧知识的联系紧密。为了提高课堂教学效果,上新课前,我都要求学生预习,或布置学生做好课内实验的准备工作,使学生有足够的思想准备。例如我在上“自然水域中的水是不纯净的”这课时,先通知学生在上课前取好家乡自然水域中的水样。如雨水,泉水、湖水,河水,自来水(当然事前必须进行
In elementary school “Nature” teaching, how to guide students to observe natural phenomena through experiments according to the children’s psychological characteristics is the key to stimulating students’ interest in learning. In recent years, I have taught students experiments and observations through in-class and extra-curricular bonding, and achieved good results. First, pre-class preparations Although the new natural textbooks are few, they are rich in content and are closely related to old and new knowledge. In order to improve the effectiveness of classroom teaching, before the new class, I asked the students to prepare for a preview, or arrange for students to prepare for the in-class experiments, so that the students have enough ideological preparations. For example, when I was in the class “The water in the natural waters is impure”, I would first inform the students to take water samples from the natural waters of my hometown before class. Such as rainwater, spring water, lake water, river water, tap water (of course, must be carried out in advance