喉咽部淋巴管瘤少见,本院曾遇2例。现报告如下。 例1 女,30岁。因咽部有异物梗阻感1年,于1985年6月20日入院。体检:一般情况好,颈部未触及肿大淋巴结,心肺未见异常。间接喉镜下见右侧环后区及梨状窝内侧壁有一约2cm×2cm灰白色光滑肿物,初步诊断:喉咽部囊肿。6月23日在直接喉镜下行囊肿摘除术,用组织钳咬除肿物,术后病理诊断为海绵状淋巴管瘤。术后7天出院。2月后复查见肿瘤原位复发,同年9月2日再入院,行咽侧切开肿物切除术,术后10天痊愈出院。随访3年无复发。
Laryngeal pharyngeal lymphangioma is rare, this case met 2 cases. The report is as follows. Example 1 Female, 30 years old. Due to a sensation of foreign body obstruction in the pharynx for one year, she was admitted to hospital on June 20, 1985. Physical examination: The general condition is good. The enlarged lymph nodes are not touched in the neck. There is no abnormality in the heart and lungs. Under the laryngoscope, see the posterior ring of the right ring and the inner wall of the pear-shaped fossa with a grayish white smooth mass of about 2cm × 2cm, preliminary diagnosis: laryngopharyngeal cyst. On June 23, cystectomy was performed with a direct laryngoscope. Tumors were removed with tissue forceps. The postoperative pathological diagnosis was a spongiform lymphangioma. Discharged 7 days after surgery. After 2 months of re-examination, the tumor recurred in situ and was re-admitted on September 2 of the same year. The patient underwent a resection of the pharyngeal mass and he was discharged after 10 days of surgery. Follow-up for 3 years without recurrence.