明治维新以前的德川幕府时期,日本政治体制是“幕藩体制”,各级官吏只能由武士担任,官吏的地位取决于门阀和亲疏。例如,幕府的最高官吏“大老”和“老中”,分别要从领地十万石和二万五千石以上的“谱代” (幕府直系大名)中选任,下级武士即使很有才识,也只能充任下僚或为卒伍。明治时期的著名教育家、思想家福泽谕吉(1834~1901)在自传中讲到,他的父亲很有才识,却因门第低微,只能终身为会计吏。他愤愤不平地写道:父亲“为封建制度所束缚,什么事情也没有做出个成就来,空怀不平,饮恨而死”。“门阀制度成了父亲的死敌”。明治政府一成立,就宣布必须废除门阀取士的制度。“王政复古大号令”中说:“为扫除旧弊,广开言路,有建议者,不拘贵贱,勿庸顾虑,皆可献言。且登用人材乃第一急务,倘有合适人选,宜述上报”,表达了急于选贤任能的迫切心情。但在当时,一举废除门阀制是不可能的,这不仅因为幕府的旧势力还很强大,而且因为,要实行近代
Before the Meiji Restoration, during the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan’s political system was a “curtain-court system,” and officials at all levels could only be held by warriors. For example, the top officials of the shogunate, “Dalai Lama” and “Lao Zhong”, were selected from “Pedigree” (Shogunate Doshin) whose territory was more than 100,000 stone and more than 25,000 stone, respectively. Can only serve as a lieutenant or as a soldier. In his autobiography, Fukuzawa Yuki (1834-1901), a famous educator and thinker in the Meiji period, said that his father was very talented, but only because of his low profile, he could only serve as an accountant for life. He wrote indignantly: “My father was” bound by the feudal system and did nothing to make a success. He was empty-handed and died of hate. “ ”Door system became the father’s enemy.“ As soon as the Meiji government was founded, it declared that it must abolish the system of taking charge of the door and door. Wang Zheng Vintage Grand Decree said: ”In order to clear away the old drawbacks and to make suggestions, it is advisable to prescribe anything without prejudice, Expressed the urgency to choose the right career choice. But at the time, it was impossible to abolish the door system in one fell swoop, not only because the old forces in the shogunate were still strong, but also because in modern times