任何一个概念乃至一门学科的建立,都是在一定的历史和文化背景下产生,并在实践中得到社会的认可而确立。”“校园文化”是社会文化的一个组成部分。“校园文化”为社会认可而确立,是因为“校园文化”的存在及多种文化现象表现出来的前卫思想并作用于社会的先导行为。 一、“校园文化”包容的方面广阔,而由广大校园成员参与并担任表演者的舞蹈——校园舞蹈——即是“校园文化”的一个具体舞蹈文化现象。它存在于校园中并作用于社会。 二、需要是校园舞蹈活动存在、发展的基因。“校园舞蹈”的再度活跃与历史上“校园舞蹈”的活动有着极大的差别。如果说,学校在中国历史上出现的那一刻,广大校园成员及他们热心
Any concept or even a discipline is established under certain historical and cultural backgrounds and recognized by society in practice. “Campus culture” is an integral part of the social culture, which is established for social recognition because of the existence of “campus culture” and the avant-garde ideas manifested by various cultural phenomena and the leading role in society. , “Campus culture” contains a broad area, and by the majority of campus members to participate and act as a performer’s dance - campus dance - that is, “campus culture” of a specific dance culture.It exists in the campus and the role of society Second, the need is the existence and development of campus dance activities Generous “campus dance” rejuvenation and the history of “campus dance” activities have great differences.If the school appeared in the history of China that moment, the vast majority Campus members and their enthusiasm