The factors that cause an abnormal state of the body, the respiratory system is quite a lot. Physical Factors Temperature, humidity, pressure, strong winds can become stressors, as well as a variety of biochemical harmful gases, photochemical smog, as allergens dust, dust, pollen, food and so on countless. Infection is a strong stress factor. Cold infection from the virus to bacterial infection are strong stress. This article describes the relationship between emotional stress, psychological stress and respiratory diseases. 1. Stress and Bronchial Asthma (1) IgE Production and Stress Duckling mice were studied for their ability to produce IgE and their effect on stress. The mice were placed in a cage 8 hours a day, divided into 1, 2, 3, 4 four groups. Intraperitoneal injection of albumin then waits for the production of IgE. Blood was collected 10 days later