CIVB flashback analysis of hydrogen flame based on azimuthal vorticity at mixing zone exit

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NMGYXK110
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Swirl-premixed combustion systems exhibit potential to meet future regulations on pollution emissions. However, combustion induced vortex breakdown(CIVB) flashback is frequently observed in these systems, especially for high hydrogen content fuel. In this study, a swirl-premixed burner with diverging centerbody was used to investigate CIVB flashback based on azimuthal vorticity at mixing zone exit. Through 2D axisymmetric model, it was found that there was a maximal azimuthal vorticity at mixing zone exit for each equivalence ratio. The physical meaning of these maximal azimuthal vorticity values was the minimally required azimuthal vorticity to trigger CIVB flashback. At the same time, the required azimuthal vorticity declined with the increase of equivalence ratio since turbulent burning velocity started to control flashback. Nevertheless, azimuthal vorticity offered by heat release increased with the increase of equivalence ratio, which promoted flame propagating upstream continually. However, combustion induced vortex breakdown (CIVB) flashback is frequently observed in these systems, especially for high hydrogen content fuel. In this study, a swirl-premixed burner with diverging centerbody was used to investigate CIVB flashback based on azimuthal vorticity at mixing zone exit. Through 2D axisymmetric model, it was found that there was a maximal azimuthal vorticity at mixing zone exit for each equivalence ratio. The physical meaning of these maximal azimuthal vorticity values ​​was the minimally required azimuthal vorticity to trigger CIVB flashback. At the same time, the required azimuthal vorticity declined with the increase of equivalence ratio since turbulent burning velocity started to control flashback. Nevertheless, azimuthal vorticity offered by heat release increased with the increase of equivalence ratio , which promoted flame propagating upstream continuall y
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