随着经济的发展和文化水平的提高,人们对生活环境的要求越来越高。尤其是人口集中的城市,环境美化更显得重要。居住环境仅仅用树木、草坪绿化还不够,还要用花卉装点,使人们在绿色中看到各种美丽的鲜花,其中草花的应用越来越多,形式也多种多样。草本花卉在城市绿化中应用形式归纳起来有两种,即规则式布置和自然式布置。规则式布置有花坛、立体花坛、花坛群以及带状花坛,自然式布置有花境、花池或花台、花丛、活动花坛等。 一、规则式布置 1.花坛:是在一定种植床内栽植不同或相同种类的色彩鲜艳的
With the economic development and the improvement of the cultural level, people’s living environment is more and more demanding. Especially in densely populated cities, landscaping is even more important. Living environment Just use trees, green lawn is not enough, but also decorated with flowers, so that people see a variety of beautiful flowers in the green, of which the application of more and more grass flowers, a variety of forms. Herbal flowers in urban greening in the application of the form summed up in two ways, namely the regular layout and natural layout. Regular arrangement of flower beds, three-dimensional flower beds, flower beds and ribbon-shaped bed, natural arrangement of flowers, flower ponds or flower beds, flowers, activities, such as flower beds. First, the rules of the layout 1 Flower beds: is planted in a certain bed planting different or the same type of colorful