在享誉中外的陕西黄土画派中,陆震华以山水见长,他笔下的西部山水因独得水韵而自成一家,因此陆震华在画坛又有“长安活水”之誉。 陆震华出生于浙江,受家学熏陶,自小深得江南文化浸润,而真正学习和从事美术创作则是在集汉唐文化之大成的古都西安开始的。丰富的生活积累与扎实而全面的艺术修养,使得陆震华对中国画的创作有了独特的美学感悟并首先在画水中找到了宣泄个性与激情的突破口。把人类的普遍思潮和他自身的思潮体验寄托于水这个载体。先生笔下的江河湖海溪流瀑布清泉深潭无不流动着他浪漫的才情与典雅的书卷气息。同时,又因了水的灵性而使他的作品在厚重与大气中平添了几分隽永与秀美。
In the world-renowned Shaanxi loess painting school, Lu Zhenhua is famous for its landscapes. His western landscapes are self-contained due to his unique rhyme. Therefore, Lu Zhenhua has the reputation of “Chang’an Living Water” in his art scene. Born in Zhejiang province, Lu Zhenhua was influenced by his family learning and was deeply influenced by Jiangnan culture. However, his real study and artistic creation started in Xi’an, the ancient capital of Han and Tang dynasties. Rich accumulation of life and a solid and comprehensive artistic accomplishment, making Lu Zhenhua Chinese painting creation has a unique aesthetic insights and the first to find in the water to draw a personality and passion to breach. Put the universal thoughts of mankind and his own ideological experience on the carrier of water. Written by the rivers and lakes, rivers and streams waterfall Qingquan deep pool are all flowing with his romantic talent and elegant book atmosphere. At the same time, because of the spirituality of water, his works add a touch of time and beauty to the thick and the atmosphere.