白墙水库自1959年建成蓄水以来,大坝长期渗漏,险情严重,经多种处理方案比较,决定采用垂直铺塑防渗技术对大坝坝基进行加固。该项工程于2002年3月动工,同年5月竣工。经过两年汛期洪水考验,于2004年4月通过竣工验收,目前运行良好。本文结合该水库大坝坝基防渗处理设计及施工,对平原水库坝基防渗治理工程进行了有益的探索。1 工程概况白墙水库位于河南省孟州市,地处黄河一级支流蟒河中游。水库控制流域面积710km~2,总库容4000万 m~3,防洪库容
Since the reservoir was built in 1959, the dam has been in serious danger for a long time. Compared with various treatment options, the dam has been decided to adopt the vertical seepage control technology to reinforce the dam foundation. The project started in March 2002, the same year in May completed. After two years flood season flood test, in April 2004 through the completion of acceptance, is currently operating well. Combined with the dam foundation dam seepage control design and construction of this dam, the reservoir dam foundation seepage control engineering of the plain reservoir is explored. 1 Project Overview White Wall Reservoir is located in Mengzhou City, Henan Province, is located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River tributary Python River. Reservoir control basin area of 710km ~ 2, with a total storage capacity of 40 million m ~ 3, flood control capacity