目的 :探讨白内障术前、术后结膜囊细菌学分布状态 ,为临床用药提供依据。方法 :将无睑缘炎、结膜囊外观清洁、泪道冲洗通畅的白内障住院患者 94例分别于入院未用抗生素眼液点眼前、手术消毒前及术后第 1天拆开眼垫换药前进行结膜囊细菌培养。结果 :未用抗生素眼液点眼前的结膜囊 (正常结膜囊 )细菌培养阳性率为 5 6 4 % ,经 0 3%氟哌酸眼液点眼后结膜囊细菌培养阳性率为 0 ,但术后第 1天拆开眼垫后结膜囊的细菌培养阳性率为 5 3%。结论 :正常结膜囊可以有各种致病菌或非致病菌存在 ,即使术前结膜囊细菌培养为无菌生长 ,但术后第 1天仍然可能有结膜囊细菌存在 ,提示白内障术前及术后均应加强抗生素眼液点眼 ,以减少眼内炎的发生。
Objective: To investigate the bacteriological distribution of conjunctival sac before and after cataract surgery and provide the basis for clinical use. Methods: Ninety-four patients with blepharitis who had no blepharitis, conjunctival sac appearance and patency of irrigating lacrimal duct were placed in front of hospitalized patients without antibiotic eye drops before operation and one day after operation. Conjunctival sac culture was performed. Results: The positive rate of bacterial culture in conjunctival sac (normal conjunctival sac) without antibiotic eyedrops was 56.4%. The positive rate of bacterial culture in conjunctival sac after 0 3% On day 1, the positive rate of bacterial culture of conjunctival sac was 53% after the eye pad was disassembled. CONCLUSION: Normal conjunctival sac can exist with various kinds of pathogenic bacteria or non-pathogenic bacteria. Even though bacterial culture of conjunctival sac is aseptic before surgery, there may still be conjunctival bacteria on the first day after operation, suggesting that preoperative and Postoperative antibiotic eye drops should be strengthened eye drops to reduce the incidence of endophthalmitis.