目的分析经阴道超声(TVS)、经阴道超声宫腔造影(SHG)及宫腔镜诊断子宫内膜病变的优缺点。方法 105例不规则阴道流血患者,均采取TVS、SHG、宫腔镜诊断,根据病理结果比较检查符合率。结果子宫内膜息肉、黏膜下肌瘤和宫腔胎物残留的诊断中,宫腔镜与SHG检出子宫内膜病变病理符合率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);宫腔镜和SHG检出子宫内膜病变病理符合率均显著高于TVS(P<0.01)。结论三种诊断方法各有优缺点,TVS因其无创无痛、简便经济,可作为诊断宫腔内疾病的首选筛查方法 ,SHG在诊断子宫内膜疾病方面可替代宫腔镜,作为宫腔评估的“代金标准”。
Objective To analyze the advantages and disadvantages of transvaginal sonography (TVS), transvaginal sonography (SHG) and hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of endometrial lesions. Methods 105 cases of irregular vaginal bleeding patients were taken TVS, SHG, hysteroscopy diagnosis, according to the pathological results were compared with the check rate. Results In the diagnosis of endometrial polyps, submucosal fibroids and intrauterine fetal tissue residues, there was no significant difference between the coincidence rates of hysteroscopy and SHG detection of endometrial lesions (P> 0.05); hysteroscopy and SHG detection of endometrial lesions pathological coincidence rate was significantly higher than TVS (P <0.01). Conclusion The three diagnostic methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. TVS can be used as the first screening method for the diagnosis of intrauterine diseases because of its non-invasive and painless treatment. SHG can replace hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of endometrial diseases, Evaluation of the “gold standard ”.