
来源 :中国翻译 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wessyy
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2009年7月,我硕士毕业后成为了一名职业翻详。2012年5月,我通过了CATTI英语一级笔译考试,半年后义通过了CATTI英语二级口译考试。一级考试于2012年首次推出,相当于副高职称的水平。考纲中对于一级翻译的要求是:“知识面宽广、熟悉中国和相关语言国家的文化背景,中外文语言 In July 2009, after graduation, I became a career reviewer. In May 2012, I passed the CATTI English Level 1 Translation Test, and six months later passed the CATTI English Level 2 Interpretation Examination. First-level exam was first introduced in 2012, equivalent to the level of vice-title. The requirements for a translator in the syllabus are: ”A wide range of knowledge, familiarity with the cultural background of China and other related language countries, and a combination of Chinese and foreign languages