教师节前夕,四川省教育厅杨泉明厅长一行来到四川电大考察。在学校党委书记、常务副校长杜幼文等校领导的陪同下,杨厅长首先看望了学校姚建文、万平教授,接着考察了科研处、教务处、教学处等部门,最后听取了校领导的工作汇报。 在慰问老师的过程中,杨厅长指出:目前高校老师最大的变化就在于不再仅仅关心家庭温饱,因为生活条件
On the eve of Teacher’s Day, Director Yang Quanming of Sichuan Provincial Department of Education came to Sichuan TV University for inspection. Accompanied by the school party secretary and executive vice president Du Youwen and other school leaders, Yang first visited the schools Yao Jianwen and Wan Ping, and then inspected the scientific research department, the academic affairs office and the teaching department, and finally listened to the work of school leaders report. In the process of condolences to the teacher, Yang pointed out: At present, the biggest change of college teachers is that they no longer care about family food and clothing only because living conditions