自从 Rehn 在1895年首先报导从事品红染料工人的膀胱肿瘤以后,引起了医务界的重视,研究和报导逐渐增多。职业性膀胱肿瘤的发病与工龄有密切关系。一般认为发病多在10年工龄以上,平均12—17年。发病的潜伏期最短为6个月—2年,最长36—48年,平均16—21年。潜伏期的长短与开始接触致癌物的年龄有关。在30岁以下者,平均潜伏期为15.6年,31—40岁平均为13.3年,40岁以上平均为10.7年。因而认为潜
Since Rehn first reported on bladder tumors for magenta dye workers in 1895, it attracted the medical community’s attention and research and reports have gradually increased. The incidence of occupational bladder cancer is closely related to length of service. It is generally believed that the incidence is more than 10 years of service, with an average of 12-17 years. The shortest incubation period is 6 months to 2 years, and the longest is 36 to 48 years, with an average of 16 to 21 years. The length of the incubation period is related to the age of contact with carcinogens. For those under the age of 30, the average incubation period is 15.6 years, the average age for 31-40 years is 13.3 years, and the average age for those over 40 years is 10.7 years. So that potential