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2004年8月-2006年1月,一位企业领袖生命中最漫长残酷的18个月。李东生的心情从激动到煎熬再至冷静。这18个月对于他及他执掌的TCL集团(000100)是一段不折不扣的黑暗岁月。他一手主导的两起海外并购在历经1 年半后仍未见到赢利的曙光,产业升级打乱了彩电业务的整合节奏,手机国内市场几乎沦陷,曾经的得力干将出走,这个49岁的男人在本命年时遇到了一道差点迈不过去的坎。消费电子是一个只有硬汉才能从事的产业,国际化是一个只有硬汉才敢尝试的冒险。 1993年,索尼(Sony)公布了其历史上第一份税前亏损 2.07亿美元,负债130亿美元的年报。6个月后,索尼创始人之一、董事长盛田昭夫因为突然中风得脑溢血而瘫痪。索尼总裁大贺典雄不得不独自挺过其职业生涯中最黑暗、孤独的时期…… 1997年,在亚洲金融危机的打击下,三星集团(Samsung) 的资产负债率高达366%,170亿美元的债务包袱让这个韩国巨人濒临破产。社长李健熙出售了危机之前集团最大的投资——三星汽车,8.4万员工中1/3被裁员,人们不会忘记他著名的口号:“除了妻儿,一切都要变”。 2000年底,宏碁(Acer)在美国市场铩羽而归,半导体和网络两大次集团巨亏,施振荣在“一次再造”后8年,又从头开始“二次再造”,一举清理41亿元新台币的坏账。 2006年初,李东生重温毛泽东的《论持久战》,告诫员工,“只有战略的持久战,才是争取最后胜利的惟一途径”。他承认,TCL完成国际化的时间还需要十年甚至更长时间。但是,“持久战”只是一个笼统的概念。在此战略之下, TCL还必须给出具体、明确的路径与武器,以拯救自己。李东生和TCL还在孤独地奔跑。无人知道这段路程终点的答案——他会成为先驱还是先烈?我们只能说,如果以历史的长视野来观察,李东生的努力层面已经超越了他同时代的绝大多数企业家。 August 2004 - January 2006, the most cruel 18-month life of a corporate leader. Li Dongsheng’s mood from agitation to suffering and then calm. The 18 months for him and his in charge of TCL Group (000100) is a real dark years. His two overseas mergers and acquisitions led by one hand still have not seen the dawn of profits after a year and a half. The industrial upgrading disrupted the integration of color TV business. The handset domestic market almost fell into the market. The 49-year-old man I met an almost impossible step in my life. Consumer electronics is an industry that only tough guys can work on. Internationalization is an adventure that only tough guys dare to try. In 1993, Sony released its first annual report in pre-tax loss of 207 million U.S. dollars, with a debt of 13 billion U.S. dollars. Six months later, one of the founders of Sony, Akio Morita, was paralyzed by a sudden stroke. Sony President Daichi Haga had to survive the darkest and lonely period of his career alone ... In 1997, under the impact of the Asian financial crisis, Samsung’s debt-to-asset ratio was as high as 366% and US $ 17 billion Debt burden has put the Korean giant on the verge of bankruptcy. President Lee Kun-hee sold the group’s largest investment before the crisis - Samsung Motors. One-third of the 84,000 employees were laid off. People will not forget his famous slogan: “Everything else needs to be changed except for his wife and children.” At the end of 2000, Acer plunged in the U.S. market. The two major sub-groups of semiconductor and network suffered a huge loss. Shi Zhenrong rebuilt NT $ 4.1 billion eight years after the project was rebuilt. Bad debt. In early 2006, Li Dongsheng reviewed Mao Zedong’s “protracted protracted war.” He warned employees that “only a strategic protracted war is the only way to win the final victory.” He acknowledged that it will take ten years or more for TCL to complete its internationalization. However, “protracted war” is only a general concept. In this strategy, TCL must also give specific and clear path and weapons to save themselves. Li Dongsheng and TCL are still running alone. No one knows the answer to the end of this journey - he will become a pioneer or a martyr? We can only say that if viewed from a long historical perspective, Li Dongsheng’s level of effort has surpassed most of his contemporaries entrepreneurs.