《左传》中有两篇著名的“论战”,对现今的经营很有启迪。一篇是大家熟知的《曹刿论战》,齐兵三鼓已竭,曹刿看准时机,一鼓作气,出奇制胜,打得齐军“辙乱”“旗靡”;另一篇是《子鱼论战》,讲的是宋襄公坐失良机,用迂腐的作战思想打仗,结果“败绩,公伤股,门官歼焉。” 由此可见,时机和谋略是夺取战争胜负的关键,是一对孪生子,缺一不可。市场如战场。企业走向市场,有的借助广告,推动产品走向市场;有的广辟“窗口”,建立联动销售网络;有的调整产品结构,生产适销产品;有的灵活运用扩销政策,敢于变通、善于变通。市场竞争是企业竞争,“顺”市场者昌,“逆”市场者亡。要抓住瞬息变化的市场竞争机会,仅仅靠注重研究市场,不注重研究谋略和策略,还是很难在竞争中立住阵脚的。
There are two famous “controversies” in “Zuo Zhuan” and they are very inspiring for today’s business. One is the well-known “Cao Yu debate”, Qi Bing three drums have been exhausted, Cao Yong took advantage of the opportunity, a bang, surprisingly winning, beat the Qi Jun “disorderly” “flagship”; the other is “the fish debate”, What was said was that Song Yugong had lost his opportunity and he had used tactics of warfare to fight. As a result, he had “lost performance, public injury stocks, and gate bureaucracy.” This shows that timing and strategy are the key to winning the war and are twins. ,Indispensable. Markets such as battlefields. Enterprises go to the market, and some use advertising to promote products to the market; some broaden the “window” to establish linkage sales network; some adjust the product structure, produce marketable products; some flexible use of expansion policies, dare to adapt, and be flexible . Market competition is enterprise competition, “shun” the market, and “reverse” the market. To grasp the rapidly changing market competition opportunities, it is difficult to stand up in the competition simply by focusing on market research and not focusing on research strategies and strategies.