中国人民志愿军六十三军是当年华北军区聂荣臻麾下的“王牌”军。在抗日战争和解放战争中,屡建奇功。在抗美援朝作战中,又涌现出许多传奇人物,流传着许多传奇故事,在我军闻名遐迩。 步枪打飞机 空战获“专利” 在朝鲜战场上的美军飞机如同苍蝇一样,飞来飞去,依仗绝对的空中优势,对我军狂轰滥炸,在我军阵地上如入无人之境,有时竟有意超低空飞行,戏弄我军
The 63rd Army of the Chinese People’s Volunteers Army was the “ace” army under the command of Nie Rongzhen in the North China Military Region. During the Anti-Japanese War and the War of Liberation, repeated outstanding achievements. During the war against Korea and the United States, many legends emerged and many legends were circulating, well known in our army. Rifle Planes Air Combat won the “Patents” The U.S. military planes on the Korean battlefield flew like flies, relying on absolute air superiority and indiscriminately bombarding our army. As the U.S. military positions were unmanned, Sometimes deliberately flying at low altitude, teasing our army