1 设计行业现行组织模式的弊端 我国的勘察设计管理体制是以前苏联体制为模式,走的是综合设计院的道路,设计院不管大小、资质级别,均在其行业领域内办成大而全、小而全的综合设计院,建筑、结构、机电、工艺、概预算各式专业一应俱全,且以人数的多少作为衡量设计院实力的主要指标。在计划经济年代,设计任务的下达有着固定的途径,量体裁衣、各得其所,倒也相安无事。但到了社会主义市场经济的年代,这种勘察设计管理体制的弊端则日益显露。其弊端一是设计院为确保其资质等级,需长年聘用相当多的固定职
1 Disadvantages of the current organizational model of the design industry Our country’s survey and design management system is a model of the former Soviet system and takes the road of an integrated design institute. Regardless of the size and qualification level, the design institute is large and complete in its field of industry. The small and comprehensive design institute has a variety of specialties in architecture, structure, electromechanics, craftsmanship, and budget estimation. The number of people serves as the main indicator of the design institute’s strength. In the era of planned economy, the design task has been issued in a fixed way. It has nothing to do with tailoring and tailoring everything. However, in the era of the socialist market economy, the drawbacks of such a survey and design management system are increasingly exposed. Its drawback is that the Design Institute needs to employ a considerable number of fixed-term staff for many years to ensure its qualification level.