There is always someone asking why others can succeed, but they can only be mediocre. Angina Duckworth, an American Chinese woman psychologist, gave an accurate answer. To become a genius, perseverance and self-discipline are more important than IQ. This theory has won the just-released US “MacArthur Genius Award”. This is not something that Angelina made up. She has visited a large number of people on the site who are over the age of 25, as well as outstanding American undergraduates, West Point military academy students, and others. It was found that more determined students performed better than their peers; those with the qualities of perseverance and self-discipline at West Point were more likely to stay. Some people may use the intelligence of first-class scientists such as Newton, Copernicus and Darwin to refute. Indeed, these people’s IQ is between 160 and 190. But even if you choose one, there should be more than 700,000 such