属于英国和荷兰垄断资本所有的英荷壳牌石油公司(即亚细亚火油公司),是目前西欧最大的石油托拉斯,同时也是七大国际石油卡特尔之一。(参阅本刊今年第九期卫慎三:“英美争夺中东石油的历史发展”一文) 这家公司创立于十九世纪末,最初叫“荷兰皇家公司”,是由一个在苏门答腊岛棉兰市当银行职员的荷兰人德特尔丁创办起来的。1907年,它与英商“壳牌运输和贸易公司”合并后始改今名。合并时,虽然荷兰占有资本额的五分之三,英国只占五分之二,但英国却在其中居领导地位。后来,美国资本也插进去一部分,但当时比例不大。英荷壳牌石油公司是一家名副其实的全球性的国
Anglo-Dutch Shell, which is owned by UK and Dutch monopolies, is the largest oil trust in Western Europe and one of the seven largest international oil cartels. (See the ninth issue of this year’s Weishuo III: “Anglo-American battle for the Middle East oil history,” a text) The company was founded in the late nineteenth century, originally called “Royal Dutch company,” by a bank in Medan, Sumatra Dettelding, a Dutch employee, was founded. In 1907, it changed its name after it merged with the British businessman Shell Transportation and Trading Company. At the time of the merger, although the Netherlands accounted for three-fifths of the capital and Britain accounted for only two-fifths of the capital, Britain was among the leaders. Later, American capital was also inserted, but at that time a small percentage. British Shell Oil Company is a truly global country